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tbl(1) [opensolaris man page]

tbl(1)								   User Commands							    tbl(1)

tbl - format tables for nroff or troff SYNOPSIS
tbl [-me] [-mm] [-ms] [filename]... DESCRIPTION
tbl is a preprocessor for formatting tables for nroff(1) or troff(1). The input filenames are copied to the standard output, except that lines between .TS and .TE command lines are assumed to describe tables and are reformatted. If no arguments are given, tbl reads the standard input, so tbl may be used as a filter. When tbl is used with eqn(1) or neqn, the tbl command should be first, to minimize the volume of data passed through pipes. OPTIONS
-me Copy the -me macro package to the front of the output file. -mm Copy the -mm macro package to the front of the output file. -ms Copy the -ms macro package to the front of the output file. EXAMPLES
Example 1 Using tbl As an example, letting `@' (at-sign) represent a TAB, which should be typed as an actual TAB character in the input file .TS c s s c c s c c c l n n. Household Population Town@Households @Number@Size Bedminster@789@3.26 Bernards Twp.@3087@3.74 Bernardsville@2018@3.30 Bound Brook@3425@3.04 Branchburg@1644@3.49 .TE yields Household Population Town Households Number Size Bedminster 789 3.26 Bernards Twp. 3087 3.74 Bernardsville 2018 3.30 Bound Brook 3425 3.04 Branchburg 1644 3.49 FILES
/usr/share/lib/tmac/e -me macros /usr/share/lib/tmac/m -mm macros /usr/share/lib/tmac/s -ms macros ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Availability |SUNWdoc | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
eqn(1), nroff(1), troff(1), attributes(5) SunOS 5.11 2 Aug 1994 tbl(1)

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tbl(1)							      General Commands Manual							    tbl(1)

tbl - formats tables for nroff SYNOPSIS
tbl [file...] OPTIONS
Produces output without fractional line motions. You use this option when the destination output device or printer or post-filter cannot handle fractional line motions. Reads in ms macros prior to table formatting. Reads in the mm macros prior to table formatting, if your system has the *roff mm macros installed. DESCRIPTION
The tbl preprocessor is used for formatting tables for nroff. When you run tbl, the input files are copied to standard output, except for lines between the .TS (table start) and .TE (table end) command lines. All lines between the .TS and .TE command lines are assumed to describe a table and are reformatted. If no arguments are given, tbl reads from standard input, so it can be used as a filter. When tbl is used with neqn or other equation for- matting *roff tools, the tbl command should be invoked first to minimize the volume of data passed through the pipes. EXAMPLES
The following examples show tables that have been coded using tbl macros and the results after you run tbl to format the table. .TS tab(@); c s s c c s c c c l n n. Household Population Town@Households @Number@Size Bedminster@789@3.26 Bernards Twp.@3087@3.74 Bernardsville@2018@3.30 Bound Brook@3425@3.04 Branchburg@1644@3.49 Bridgewater@7897@3.81 Far Hills@240@3.19 .TE When formatted by tbl and then nroff, the output is as follows: Household Population Town Households Number Size Bedminster 789 3.26 Bernards Twp. 3087 3.74 Bernardsville 2018 3.30 Bound Brook 3425 3.04 Branchburg 1644 3.49 Bridgewater 7897 3.81 Far Hills 240 3.19 The following example shows how to specify column widths using the w column option. The width of a column must be large enough to contain it's anticipated data. Multiple line column entries are controlled by T{ and T}. .TS tab(@); cw(.5i) lw(1.2i) lw(3.0i). Return@Error@Description _ 0@@Successful completion. 1@ENOM@T{ Insufficient memory exists to create this object. Multiple lines can be written in text surrounded by T braces. T} 2@EINVAL@The value specified is invalid. .TE When formatted by tbl and then nroff, the output is as follows: Return Error Description _________________________________________________________________ 0 Successful completion. 1 ENOM Insufficient memory exists to create this object. Multiple lines can be written in text surrounded by T braces. 2 EINVAL The value specified is invalid. SEE ALSO
neqn(1), nroff(1), ms(5) tbl(1)
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