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sa1(8) [opendarwin man page]

sa1(8)							    BSD System Manager's Manual 						    sa1(8)

sa1 -- Generate a system activity daily data file. SYNOPSIS
/usr/lib/sa/sa1 [t n] DESCRIPTION
The sa1 command is a shell script used to invoke the system activity data collector, sadc. The binary sample data is collected at intervals t seconds apart, in a loop n times. The binary sample data is written to the standard daily data file, /var/log/sa/sadd where the dd repre- sents the current day of the month. sa1 is intended to be started by cron. EXAMPLE CRON ENTRY
# Starting at 8am collect system activity records # every 20 minutes for 12 hours # 20 minutes = 1200 seconds # 12 hours with 3 samples each hour = 36 loops 0 8 * * 1-5 /usr/lib/sa/sa1 1200 36 # After the 12 hour period, # collect a system activity report 30 20 * * 1-5 /usr/lib/sa/sa2 -A FILES
/var/log/sa/sadd Default daily activity file that holds the binary sampling data. dd are digits that represent the day of the month. SEE ALSO
sa2(8), sadc(8), sar(1), iostat(8), vm_stat(1), netstat(1), top(1), sc_usage(1), fs_usage(1), crontab(1), crontab(5) Mac OS X Jul 25 2003 Mac OS X

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sa2(8)							    BSD System Manager's Manual 						    sa2(8)

sa2 -- Generate a system activity daily report file. SYNOPSIS
/usr/lib/sa/sa2 [-dgpu] [-n mode] [-e time] [-f filename] [-i seconds] [-s time] DESCRIPTION
The sa2 command is a shell script used to invoke the system activity reporter sar for purposes of generating the standard default daily report file. The report file generated is, /var/log/sa/sardd where the dd represents the current day of the month. The sa2 options are the same as those documented in sar(1). When sa2 runs, it will also remove data and report files, found in /var/log/sa, that are more than one week old. The sa2 command is intended to be started by cron. EXAMPLE CRON ENTRY
# Starting at 8am collect system activity records # every 20 minutes for 12 hours # 20 minutes = 1200 seconds # 12 hours with 3 samples each hour = 36 loops 0 8 * * 1-5 /usr/lib/sa/sa1 1200 36 # After the 12 hour period, # collect a system activity report 30 20 * * 1-5 /usr/lib/sa/sa2 -A FILES
/var/log/sa/sardd Default daily report file. /var/log/sa/sadd Default daily data file. dd are digits that represent the day of the month. SEE ALSO
crontab(1), fs_usage(1), netstat(1), sar(1), sc_usage(1), top(1), vm_stat(1), crontab(5), iostat(8), sa1(8), sadc(8) Mac OS X Jul 25 2003 Mac OS X
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