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systemstarter(8) [opendarwin man page]

SystemStarter(8)					    BSD System Manager's Manual 					  SystemStarter(8)

SystemStarter -- Start, stop, and restart system services SYNOPSIS
SystemStarter [-gvxdDqn] [action [service]] DESCRIPTION
The SystemStarter utility may be used to start, stop, and restart the system services which are described in the /Library/StartupItems/ and /System/Library/StartupItems/ paths. The optional action argument specifies which action SystemStarter performs on the startup items. The optional service argument specifies which startup items to perform the action on. If no service is specified, all startup items will be acted on; otherwise, only the item pro- viding the service, any items it requires, or any items that depend on it will be acted on. During boot SystemStarter is invoked by rc (see rc(8)) and is responsible for starting all startup items in an order that satisfies each item's requirements. ACTIONS
start start all items, or start the item that provides the specified service and all items providing services it requires. stop stop all items, or stop the item that provides the specified service and all items that depend on it. restart restart all items, or restart the item providing the specified service. OPTIONS
-g graphical startup -v verbose (text mode) startup -x safe mode startup (only run Apple-provided items) -r keep running after last startup item completes, in graphical startup only -d print debugging output -D print debugging output and dependencies -q be quiet (disable debugging output) -n don't actually perform action on items (no-run mode) NOTES
Unless an explicit call to ConsoleMessage is made, SystemStarter examines the exit status of the startup item scripts to determine the suc- cess or failure of the services provided by that script. In Darwin it is preferable to create custom startup items than to modify rc, and at some point SystemStarter may entirely encompass the role of rc. FILES
/Library/StartupItems/ User-installed startup items. /System/Library/StartupItems/ System-provided startup items. SEE ALSO
ConsoleMessage(8) rc(8) HISTORY
The SystemStarter utility appeared in Darwin 1.0 SystemStarter was extended in Darwin 6.0 to support partial startup and interprocess communication. Darwin April 12, 2002 Darwin

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vpnd(8) 						    BSD System Manager's Manual 						   vpnd(8)

vpnd -- Mac OS X VPN service daemon SYNOPSIS
vpnd [-d | -n | -x] [-i server_id] vpnd [-h] DESCRIPTION
vpnd allows external hosts to tunnel via L2TP over IPSec or via PPTP from an insecure external network (such as the Internet) into a "secure" internal network, such as a corporate network. All traffic through the tunnel is encrypted to provide secure communications, with L2TP/IPSec providing a higher level of security than PPTP. vpnd listens for incoming connections, pairs each one with an available internal IP address, and passes the connection to pppd(8) with appro- priate parameters. Parameters for vpnd are specified in a system configuration (plist) file in XML format. This file contains a dictionary of configurations each identified by a key referred to as a server_id. Parameters include the tunneling protocol, IP addresses to be assigned to clients, PPP parameters etc. vpnd is launched for a particular configuration by using the -i option which takes the server_id to be run as an argument. vpnd can also be run without the -i option. In this case it will check the configuration file for a special array which contains a list of configurations to be run and will fork and exec a copy of vpnd for each server_id to be run. Running multiple vpnd processes simultaneously for a particular protocol is not allowed. vpnd will be launched during the boot process by a startup item if the field VPNSERVER is defined in /etc/hostconfig with the value -YES-. Typically, in this case it will be launched without the -i option and will check the configuration file to determine which configuration(s) are to be run. vpnd logs items of interest to the system log. A different log path can be specified in the configuration file. OPTIONS
The following options are available: -d Do not move to background and print log strings to the terminal. -h Print usage summary and exit. -i Server_id in the plist file that defines the configuration to be run. -n Do not move to background, print log information to the terminal, and quit after validating the argument list. -x Do not move to background. EXAMPLES
The default invocation, vpnd will read the list of configurations to run from the configuration file and launch them. This default configuration may be enabled at startup by defining VPNSERVER to -YES-. To specify a particular configuration to run use vpnd -i server_id FILES &; FOLDERS /usr/sbin/vpnd /etc/hostconfig /System/Library/StartupItems/NetworkExtensions /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/ SEE ALSO
pppd(8) vpnd(5) Mac OS X 21 August 2003 Mac OS X
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