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xvinfo(1) [opendarwin man page]

xvinfo(1)						      General Commands Manual							 xvinfo(1)

xvinfo - Print out X-Video extension adaptor information SYNOPSIS
xvinfo [-display displayname] DESCRIPTION
xvinfo prints out the capabilities of any video adaptors associated with the display that are accessible through the X-Video extension. OPTIONS
-display display This argument allows you to specify the server to query; see X(7). -short Output less details, to reduce the amount of text. ENVIRONMENT
DISPLAY This variable may be used to specify the server to query. SEE ALSO
X(7), xdpyinfo(1), xwininfo(1), xdriinfo(1), glxinfo(1), xprop(1) AUTHORS
Mark Vojkovich X Version 11 xvinfo 1.1.1 xvinfo(1)
Man Page