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shar(1) [opendarwin man page]

SHAR(1) 						    BSD General Commands Manual 						   SHAR(1)

shar -- create a shell archive of files SYNOPSIS
shar file ... DESCRIPTION
shar writes an sh(1) shell script to the standard output which will recreate the file hierarchy specified by the command line operands. Directories will be recreated and must be specified before the files they contain (the find(1) utility does this correctly). shar is normally used for distributing files by ftp(1) or mail(1). SEE ALSO
compress(1), mail(1), uuencode(1), tar(1) BUGS
shar makes no provisions for special types of files or files containing magic characters. EXAMPLES
To create a shell archive of the program ls(1) and mail it to Rick: cd ls shar `find . -print` | mail -s "ls source" rick To recreate the program directory: mkdir ls cd ls ... <delete header lines and examine mailed archive> ... sh archive HISTORY
The shar command appears in 4.4BSD. SECURITY CONSIDERATIONS
It is easy to insert trojan horses into shar files. It is strongly recommended that all shell archive files be examined before running them through sh(1). Archives produced using this implementation of shar may be easily examined with the command: egrep -v '^[X#]' shar.file 4.4BSD June 6, 1993 4.4BSD

Check Out this Related Man Page

SHAPE_TAR(1)						      General Commands Manual						      SHAPE_TAR(1)

shape_tar - shapeTools RMS bundle up subsystem in a tar or shar archive SYNOPSIS
shape tar[VERSIONS=<version_selection_rule>] [ARCHIVE=<filename>] shape shar[VERSIONS=<version_selection_rule>] [ARCHIVE=<filename>] DESCRIPTION
Shape tar and shape shar create a tar or a shar archive containing all source components of the current node in the system tree. All source components listed in the COMPONENTS macro in the Makefile and the release identification file (VERSIONFILE) are written to the archive. Components of subsystems are not included in the archive file. The VERSIONS macro may be set to specify a version selection rule to be active during archive file creation. Default is most_recent, selecting the most recent version of each component. See shape_stdrul(7) or the $(SHAPELIBPATH)/stdrules for other possible settings. You may also use self defined version selection rules as VERSIONS. ARCHIVE is the base name of the file where the output shall be written to. Default is $(SUBSYSTEMNAME). The output file gets the filename extension .tar (resp. .shar). When ARCHIVE=- is given, data will be written to standard output. SEE ALSO
shape_RMS(1), shape_stdrul(7) FILES
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