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auconvert(1) [opendarwin man page]

AUCONVERT(1)						      General Commands Manual						      AUCONVERT(1)

auconvert - perform various conversion operations on sound files SYNOPSIS
auconvert [-file <format>] [-data <format>] [-rate <sample rate>] [-comment <comment>] [-raw <data format> <num tracks>] [-volume <per- cent>|`max'] [-?] [<input file>] [<output file>] DESCRIPTION
The auconvert program can be used to convert from one sound file format, and/or data format to another. It can also change the comment, sampling rate, and volume of a sound file. Finally, auconvert can be used to convert raw audio data into a sound file. If no input file name is given, standard input will be used. If no output file name is given, the original file will be replaced by the converted file or standard out will be used if the input is coming from standard input. OPTIONS
The following options may be used with auconvert: -file format The output file format. The -? option will display a list of valid file formats. -data format The output data format. The -? option will display a list of valid data formats. Note that each file format may only support selected data formats. -rate sample rate The output sampling rate (in hertz). -comment comment The comment to be stored in the output file. -volume <percent>|`max' The volume option can be used in two ways. If the argument is a percentage, the output file volume will be converted to the speci- fied percentage of the input volume. If the argument is the string `max', the output file volume will be converted to its maximum level. -raw <data format> <num tracks> This option is used to convert raw audio data into a sound file. <data format> is the data format of the raw data. <num tracks> specifies the number of tracks in the raw data. You must also use the -file and -rate options when converting raw data. -? Displays a usage message and a list of supported file and data formats. SEE ALSO
nas(1), auedit(1) COPYRIGHT
Copyright 1993, 1994 Network Computing Devices, Inc. AUTHOR
Greg Renda, Network Computing Devices, Inc. 1.9.3 AUCONVERT(1)

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play(1) 						      General Commands Manual							   play(1)

play - play any sound file to audio device rec - record audio to any sound file format SYNOPSIS
play [fopts] infile [effect] rec [fopts] outfile [effect] DESCRIPTION
This manual page briefly documents the play and rec commands. play and rec are programs that allow you to play and record different types of sound files from the command line. They are front ends to the more general sox(1) package. Normally, the play command will automatically detect the type and other parameters of the soundfile. If it can't do so, the parameters can be changed through options. OPTIONS
A summary of common options are included below. For a complete description of options and their values, see the sox(1) man page. -c [channels], --channels=[channels] Define the number of channels in the file. -d [device], --device=[device] Specify a different device to play the sound file to. -f [format], --format=[format] Specify bit format of the sample. One of s, u, U, A, a, or g. -r [rate], --rate=[rate] Specify the sample rate of the audio data (samples per second). -s [size], --size=[size] Specify the width of each sample. One of b, w, l, f, d, or D. -t [type], --type=[type] Specify audio file format to use. Useful if it can not be automatically determined. -v [volume], --volume=[volume] Change the audio volume -x , --xinu Reverse the byte order of the sample (only works with 16 and 32-bit data). -h, --help Show summary of options. --version Show version of play/rec. Description of effects are described in the sox(1) man page. SEE ALSO
sox(1) soxexam(1) AUTHOR
This manual page was written by Guenter Geiger <>, for the Debian GNU/Linux system. Updates by Anonymous. December 11, 2001 play(1)
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