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iteide(4) [netbsd man page]

ITEIDE(4)						   BSD Kernel Interfaces Manual 						 ITEIDE(4)

iteide -- Integrated Technology Express IDE disk controllers driver SYNOPSIS
iteide* at pci? dev ? function ? flags 0x0000 DESCRIPTION
The iteide driver supports the IT8211 and IT8212 IDE controllers which are found on some Gigabyte motherboards (as ``GigaRAID'') and some PCI cards. This driver provides the interface with the hardware for the ata(4) driver. The optional RAID functionality of the IT8211 and IT8212 is not supported and is explicitly disabled by the iteide driver. The controller will act like a regular IDE controller with no RAID functionality. SEE ALSO
ata(4), atapi(4), intro(4), pci(4), pciide(4), wd(4), wdc(4) AUTHORS
The iteide driver was written by Alexander Yurchenko <> and ported to NetBSD by Grant Beattie <>. BSD
June 30, 2006 BSD

Check Out this Related Man Page

PDCIDE(4)						   BSD Kernel Interfaces Manual 						 PDCIDE(4)

pdcide -- Promise IDE disk controllers driver SYNOPSIS
pdcide* at pci? dev ? function ? flags 0x0000 DESCRIPTION
The pdcide driver supports the Promise Ultra33, Ultra66, Ultra100, Ultra100TX2, Ultra100TX2v2, Ultra133, Ultra133TX2, Ultra133TX2v2, Fast- trak133 and Serial ATA/150 IDE controllers, and provides the interface with the hardware for the ata(4) driver. The 0x0002 flag forces the pdcide driver to disable DMA on chipsets for which DMA would normally be enabled. This can be used as a debugging aid, or to work around problems where the IDE controller is wired up to the system incorrectly. SEE ALSO
ata(4), atapi(4), intro(4), pci(4), pciide(4), wd(4), wdc(4) BUGS
The timings used for the PIO and DMA modes for controllers listed above are for a PCI bus running at 30 or 33 MHz. This driver may not work properly on overclocked systems. The pdcide driver does NOT function correctly on NetBSD/sparc64. BSD
December 23, 2003 BSD
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