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cs(4) [netbsd man page]

CS(4)							   BSD Kernel Interfaces Manual 						     CS(4)

cs -- Cirrus Logic Crystal CS89x0 Ethernet driver SYNOPSIS
cs0 at isa? port 0x300 iomem ? irq ? drq ? cs* at ofisa? cs* at isapnp? cs* at pcmcia? function ? cs0 at mainbus0 (PM/PPC port) DESCRIPTION
The cs driver supports Ethernet interfaces based on the Cirrus Logic Crystal CS8900, 8920 and 8920M ISA bus Ethernet controllers. SEE ALSO
ifmedia(4), intro(4), isa(4), ofisa(4), ifconfig(8) HISTORY
The cs driver appeared in NetBSD 1.4. BSD
June 4, 1999 BSD

Check Out this Related Man Page

SM(4)							   BSD Kernel Interfaces Manual 						     SM(4)

sm -- SMC91Cxx-based Ethernet interfaces device driver SYNOPSIS
sm0 at isa? port 0x300 irq 10 sm* at mhzc? sm* at pcmcia? function ? sm* at nubus? DESCRIPTION
The sm device driver supports SMC91C9x-based and SMC91C1xx-based Ethernet interfaces. The ISA attachment of the sm driver supports any SMC91C9x-based Ethernet interface on the ISA bus, including the EFA Info*Express SVC VLB interface, and the on-board SMC91C9x Ethernet found in many embedded PCs and laptop docking stations. The mhzc attachment of the sm driver supports the Megahertz combo Ethernet and modem card. The PCMCIA attachment of the sm driver supports Megahertz X-JACK Ethernet cards. The nubus attachment of the sm driver supports SMC-based Ethernet cards for the macintosh. MEDIA SELECTION
The SMC91C1xx supports the MII interface and so the list of supported media depends on several factors, including which PHY is attached. The SMC91C9x supports AUI and UTP media types. To enable the AUI media, select the 10base5 or aui media type with ifconfig(8)'s media directive. To select UTP, select the 10baseT or utp media type. ifconfig(8)'s -m option will display the full list of supported media directives for a particular configuration. DIAGNOSTICS
sm0: unable to read MAC address from CIS This indicates that the Ethernet address, which is stored in the CIS information on the Megahertz X-JACK PCMCIA Ethernet card, is corrupted. SEE ALSO
ifmedia(4), intro(4), isa(4), mhzc(4), mii(4), pcmcia(4), ifconfig(8) BSD
November 10, 1997 BSD
Man Page

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