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new_form(3) [netbsd man page]

FORMS(3)						   BSD Library Functions Manual 						  FORMS(3)

free_form, new_form -- form library LIBRARY
Curses Form Library (libform, -lform) SYNOPSIS
#include <form.h> int free_form(FORM *form); FORM * new_form(FIELD **fields); DESCRIPTION
The function free_form() frees all the resources associated with the form and destroys the form. Calling new_form() will create a new form, set the form parameters to the current defaults and attach the passed fields to the form. The array of fields passed to new_form() must be terminated with a NULL pointer to indicate the end of the fields. RETURN VALUES
Functions returning pointers will return NULL if an error is detected. The functions that return an int will return one of the following error values: E_OK The function was successful. E_BAD_ARGUMENT The function was passed a bad argument. E_POSTED The form is posted to the screen. SEE ALSO
curses(3), forms(3) NOTES
The header <form.h> automatically includes both <curses.h> and <eti.h>. BSD
January 1, 2001 BSD

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form_new(3CURSES)					     Curses Library Functions						 form_new(3CURSES)

form_new, new_form, free_form - create and destroy forms SYNOPSIS
cc [ flag... ] file... -lform -lcurses [ library... ] #include <form.h> FORM *new_form(FIELD **fields); int free_form(FORM *form); DESCRIPTION
new_form() creates a new form connected to the designated fields and returns a pointer to the form. free_form() disconnects the form from its associated field pointer array and deallocates the space for the form. RETURN VALUES
new_form() always returns NULL on error. free_form() returns one of the following: E_OK The function returned successfully. E_BAD_ARGUMENT An argument is incorrect. E_POSTED The form is posted. ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |MT-Level |Unsafe | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
curses(3CURSES), forms(3CURSES), attributes(5) NOTES
The header <form.h> automatically includes the headers <eti.h> and <curses.h>. SunOS 5.10 31 Dec 1996 form_new(3CURSES)
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