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ypwhich(1) [netbsd man page]

YPWHICH(1)						    BSD General Commands Manual 						YPWHICH(1)

ypwhich -- return hostname of NIS server of map master SYNOPSIS
ypwhich [-T] [-d domain] [[-h] host] ypwhich [-fTt] [-d domain] [-h host] -m [mname] ypwhich -x DESCRIPTION
ypwhich tells which NIS server supplies NIS services to a client, or which is the master for a map. If invoked without arguments, it gives the NIS server for the local machine. If host is specified, that machine is queried to find out which NIS server it is using. The options are as follows: -d domain Specify a domain other than the default domain. -f When used in conjunction with -m, force ypwhich to query host directly, without using the local copy of ypbind(8). -h host Specify a host other than localhost to query for information. -m [mname] Find the master NIS server for the named map. mname can be a map name or nickname. If mname is omitted, ypwhich will produce a list of available maps. -T Use TCP protocol instead of UDP. -t Inhibit translation of map nicknames to their corresponding map names. -x Display the map nickname table, found in /var/yp/nicknames. A built-in default translation table is used if /var/yp/nicknames does not exist (see nicknames(5) for details). EXIT STATUS
ypwhich exits with a non-zero exit code if -m is used, and there was a problem in determining the map's master. SEE ALSO
domainname(1), ypcat(1), ypmatch(1), nicknames(5), nis(8), ypbind(8), yppoll(8), ypset(8) AUTHORS
Charles D. Cranor Greywolf BSD
January 24, 2008 BSD

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ypset(1M)						  System Administration Commands						 ypset(1M)

ypset - point ypbind at a particular server SYNOPSIS
/usr/sbin/ypset [-d ypdomain] [-h host] server DESCRIPTION
In order to run ypset, ypbind must be initiated with the -ypset or -ypsetme options. See ypbind(1M). ypset tells ypbind to get NIS services for the specified ypdomain from the ypserv process running on server. If server is down, or is not running ypserv, this might not be dis- covered until an NIS client process tries to obtain a binding for the domain. At this point, the binding set by ypset is tested by ypbind. If the binding is invalid, ypbind attempts to rebind for the same domain. ypset is useful for binding a client node that is not on a broadcast net, or is on a broadcast net that is not running an NIS server host. It is also useful for debugging NIS client applications, for instance, where an NIS map exists only at a single NIS server host. Where several hosts on the local net are supplying NIS services, ypbind can rebind to another host, even while you attempt to find out if the ypset operation succeeded. For example, if you enter the ypset command below, you might get the subsequent response from ypwhich: example% ypset host1 example% ypwhich host2 The sequence shown above is a function of the NIS subsystem's attempt to load-balance among the available NIS servers, and occurs when host1 does not respond to ypbind because it is not running ypserv (or is overloaded), and host2, running ypserv, obtains the binding. server indicates which NIS server to bind to, and must be specified as a name or an IP address. This works only if the node has a current valid binding for the domain in question and ypbind has been set to allow use of ypset. In most cases, server should be specified as an IP address. ypset tries to bind over a connectionless transport. The NIS library call, yp_all(), uses connection-oriented transport and derives the NIS server's address based on the connectionless address supplied by ypset. Refer to ypfiles(4) for an overview of the NIS name service. OPTIONS
-d ypdomain Use ypdomain, instead of the default domain. -h host Set ypbind's binding on host, instead of locally. Specify host as a name. ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Availability |SUNWnisu | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
ypwhich(1), ypfiles(4), attributes(5) SunOS 5.10 14 Sep 1992 ypset(1M)
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