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rlogin(1) [netbsd man page]

RLOGIN(1)						    BSD General Commands Manual 						 RLOGIN(1)

rlogin -- remote login SYNOPSIS
rlogin [-468Ed] [-e char] [-l username] [-p port] host rlogin [-468Ed] [-e char] [-p port] username@host DESCRIPTION
rlogin starts a terminal session on a remote host host. rlogin first attempts to use the standard Berkeley rhosts authorization mechanism. The options are as follows: -4 Use IPv4 addresses only. -6 Use IPv6 addresses only. -8 The -8 option allows an eight-bit input data path at all times; otherwise parity bits are stripped except when the remote side's stop and start characters are other than '^S/^Q'. -E The -E option stops any character from being recognized as an escape character. When used with the -8 option, this provides a completely transparent connection. -d The -d option turns on socket debugging (see setsockopt(2)) on the TCP sockets used for communication with the remote host. -e char The -e option allows user specification of the escape character, which is ``~'' by default. This specification may be as a literal character, or as an octal value in the form nn. -l username the -l option specifies an alternate username for the remote login. If this option is not specified, your local username will be used. -p port Uses the given port instead of the one assigned to the service ``login''. May be given either as symbolic name or as number. A line of the form ``<escape char>.'' disconnects from the remote host. Similarly, the line ``<escape char>^Z'' will suspend the rlogin ses- sion, and ``<escape char><delayed-suspend char>'' suspends the send portion of the rlogin, but allows output from the remote system. By default, the tilde (``~'') character is the escape character, and normally control-Y (``^Y'') is the delayed-suspend character. All echoing takes place at the remote site, so that (except for delays) the rlogin is transparent. Flow control via ^S/^Q and flushing of input and output on interrupts are handled properly. ENVIRONMENT
The following environment variable is used by rlogin: TERM Determines the user's terminal type. SEE ALSO
rcmd(1), rsh(1), rcmd(3), hosts.equiv(5), rhosts(5), environ(7) HISTORY
The rlogin command appeared in 4.2BSD. BUGS
More of the environment should be propagated. BSD
July 16, 2005 BSD

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RLOGIN(1)						    BSD General Commands Manual 						 RLOGIN(1)

rlogin -- remote login SYNOPSIS
rlogin [-468DEd] [-e char] [-i localname] [-l username] host DESCRIPTION
The rlogin utility starts a terminal session on a remote host host. The standard Berkeley rhosts authorization mechanism is used. The following options are available: -4 Use IPv4 addresses only. -6 Use IPv6 addresses only. -8 Allow an eight-bit input data path at all times; otherwise parity bits are stripped except when the remote side's stop and start char- acters are other than ^S/^Q. -D Set the TCP_NODELAY socket option which can improve interactive response at the expense of increased network load. -E Stop any character from being recognized as an escape character. When used with the -8 option, this provides a completely transparent connection. -d Turn on socket debugging (see setsockopt(2)) on the TCP sockets used for communication with the remote host. -e Allow user specification of the escape character, which is ``~'' by default. This specification may be as a literal character, or as an octal value in the form nn. -i Allow the caller to specify a different local name to be used for authentication. This option is restricted to processes with uid 0. -l Specify a different username for the remote login. If this option is not specified, your local username will be used. A line of the form ``<escape char>.'' disconnects from the remote host. Similarly, the line ``<escape char>^Z'' will suspend the rlogin ses- sion, and ``<escape char><delayed-suspend char>'' suspends the send portion of the rlogin session, but allows output from the remote system. By default, the tilde (``~'') character is the escape character, and normally control-Y (``^Y'') is the delayed-suspend character. All echoing takes place at the remote site, so that (except for delays) the rlogin is transparent. Flow control via ^S/^Q and flushing of input and output on interrupts are handled properly. ENVIRONMENT
The following environment variable is utilized by rlogin: TERM Determines the user's terminal type. FILES
/etc/hosts /etc/hosts.equiv $HOME/.rhosts SEE ALSO
login(1), rsh(1), telnet(1), setsockopt(2), ruserok(3), tty(4), hosts(5), hosts.equiv(5), rlogind(8), rshd(8) HISTORY
The rlogin command appeared in 4.2BSD. IPv6 support was added by WIDE/KAME project. BUGS
The rlogin utility will be replaced by telnet(1) in the near future. More of the environment should be propagated. BSD
September 26, 2003 BSD
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