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xml::libxml::comment(3) [mojave man page]

XML::LibXML::Comment(3) 				User Contributed Perl Documentation				   XML::LibXML::Comment(3)

XML::LibXML::Comment - XML::LibXML Comment Class SYNOPSIS
use XML::LibXML; # Only methods specific to Comment nodes are listed here, # see XML::LibXML::Node manpage for other methods $node = XML::LibXML::Comment->new( $content ); DESCRIPTION
This class provides all functions of XML::LibXML::Text, but for comment nodes. This can be done, since only the output of the node types is different, but not the data structure. :-) METHODS
The class inherits from XML::LibXML::Node. The documentation for Inherited methods is not listed here. Many functions listed here are extensively documented in the DOM Level 3 specification (<>). Please refer to the specification for extensive documentation. new $node = XML::LibXML::Comment->new( $content ); The constructor is the only provided function for this package. It is required, because libxml2 treats text nodes and comment nodes slightly differently. AUTHORS
Matt Sergeant, Christian Glahn, Petr Pajas VERSION
2001-2007, Ltd. 2002-2006, Christian Glahn. 2006-2009, Petr Pajas. LICENSE
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. perl v5.18.2 2014-02-01 XML::LibXML::Comment(3)

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XML::LibXML::Comment(3) 				User Contributed Perl Documentation				   XML::LibXML::Comment(3)

XML::LibXML::Comment - XML::LibXML Comment Class SYNOPSIS
use XML::LibXML; # Only methods specific to Comment nodes are listed here, # see XML::LibXML::Node manpage for other methods $node = XML::LibXML::Comment->new( $content ); DESCRIPTION
This class provides all functions of XML::LibXML::Text, but for comment nodes. This can be done, since only the output of the node types is different, but not the data structure. :-) METHODS
The class inherits from XML::LibXML::Node. The documentation for Inherited methods is not listed here. Many functions listed here are extensively documented in the DOM Level 3 specification (<>). Please refer to the specification for extensive documentation. new $node = XML::LibXML::Comment->new( $content ); The constructor is the only provided function for this package. It is required, because libxml2 treats text nodes and comment nodes slightly differently. AUTHORS
Matt Sergeant, Christian Glahn, Petr Pajas VERSION
2001-2007, Ltd. 2002-2006, Christian Glahn. 2006-2009, Petr Pajas. LICENSE
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. perl v5.18.2 2014-02-01 XML::LibXML::Comment(3)
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