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login(3) [mojave man page]

LOGIN(3)						   BSD Library Functions Manual 						  LOGIN(3)

login, logout, logwtmp -- login utility functions (DEPRECATED) SYNOPSIS
#include <util.h> void login(struct utmp *ut); int logout(const char *line); void logwtmp(const char *line, const char *name, const char *host); DESCRIPTION
The login(), logout(), and logwtmp() functions are DEPRECATED; use pututxline(3) instead. These functions operate on the database of current users in /var/run/utmpx and the system log file. Superuser permission is required. The login() function updates the /var/run/utmpx files with user information contained in ut (after converting to a struct utmpx, as described in pututxline(3)). The logout() function removes the entry from /var/run/utmpx corresponding to the device line. The logwtmp() function adds an entry to the system log file. Since login() will add the appropriate entry during a login, logwtmp() is usu- ally used for logouts. RETURN VALUES
logout() returns non-zero if it was able to find and delete an entry for line, and zero if there is no entry for line in /var/run/utmpx. However, there is no error indication due to lack of permissions. FILES
/dev/* /var/run/utmpx SEE ALSO
pututxline(3), utmp(5), utmpx(5) BSD
December 14, 1995 BSD

Check Out this Related Man Page

UPDWTMP(3)						     Linux Programmer's Manual							UPDWTMP(3)

updwtmp, logwtmp - append an entry to the wtmp file SYNOPSIS
#include <utmp.h> void updwtmp(const char *wtmp_file, const struct utmp *ut); void logwtmp(const char *line, const char *name, const char *host); DESCRIPTION
updwtmp() appends the utmp structure ut to the wtmp file. logwtmp() constructs a utmp structure using line, name, host, current time and current process ID. Then it calls updwtmp() to append the structure to the wtmp file. FILES
/var/log/wtmp database of past user logins CONFORMING TO
Not in POSIX.1-2001. Present on Solaris, NetBSD, and perhaps other systems. AVAILABILITY
Both functions are available under glibc2, but not under libc5. However, logwtmp() used to occur in the old libbsd. These days, the logwtmp() function is included in libutil. (Hence you'll need to add -lutil to your compiler command line to get it.) NOTES
For consistency with the other "utmpx" functions (see getutxent(3)), glibc provides (since version 2.1): #include <utmpx.h> void updwtmpx (const char *wtmpx_file, const struct utmpx *utx); This function performs the same task as updwtmp(), but differs in that it takes a utmpx structure as its last argument. SEE ALSO
getutxent(3), wtmp(5) COLOPHON
This page is part of release 3.53 of the Linux man-pages project. A description of the project, and information about reporting bugs, can be found at GNU
2008-07-02 UPDWTMP(3)
Man Page

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