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sccs-cdc(1) [mojave man page]

sccs-cdc(1)                                                        User Commands                                                       sccs-cdc(1)

sccs-cdc, cdc - change the delta commentary of an SCCS delta SYNOPSIS
/usr/ccs/bin/cdc -rsid [-mmr-list] [ -y [comment]] s.filename... DESCRIPTION
cdc annotates the delta commentary for the SCCS delta ID (SID) specified by the -r option in each named s.file. If the v flag is set in the s.file, you can also use cdc to update the Modification Request (MR) list. If you checked in the delta, or, if you own the file and directory and have write permission, you can use cdc to annotate the commentary. Rather than replacing the existing commentary, cdc inserts the new comment you supply, followed by a line of the form: *** CHANGED *** yy/mm/dd hh/mm/ss username above the existing commentary. If a directory is named as the s.filename argument, the cdc command applies to all s.files in that directory. Unreadable s.files produce an error; processing continues with the next file (if any). If `-' is given as the s.filename argument, each line of the standard input is taken as the name of an SCCS history file to be processed, and the -m and -y options must be used. OPTIONS
-rsid Specify the SID of the delta to change. -mmr-list Specify one or more MR numbers to add or delete. When specifying more than one MR on the command line, mr-list takes the form of a quoted, space-separated list. To delete an MR number, precede it with a ! character (an empty MR list has no effect). A list of deleted MRs is placed in the comment section of the delta commentary. If -m is not used and the stan- dard input is a terminal, cdc prompts with MRs? for the list (before issuing the comments? prompt). -m is only useful when the v flag is set in the s.file. If that flag has a value, it is taken to be the name of a program to validate the MR num- bers. If that validation program returns a non-zero exit status, cdc terminates and the delta commentary remains unchanged. -y[comment] Use comment as the annotation in the delta commentary. The previous comments are retained; the comment is added along with a notation that the commentary was changed. A null comment leaves the commentary unaffected. If -y is not specified and the standard input is a terminal, cdc prompts with comments? for the text of the notation to be added. An unescaped NEW- LINE character terminates the annotation text. EXAMPLES
Example 1: Changing the annotated commentary The following command: example% cdc -r1.6 -y"corrected commentary" s.program.c produces the following annotated commentary for delta 1.6 in s.program.c: D 1.6 88/07/05 23:21:07 username 9 0 00001/00000/00000 MRs: COMMENTS: corrected commentary *** CHANGED *** 88/07/07 14:09:41 username performance enhancements in main() FILES
z.file temporary lock file ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Availability |SUNWsprot | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
sccs(1), sccs-admin(1), sccs-comb(1), sccs-delta(1), sccs-help(1), sccs-prs(1), sccs-prt(1), sccs-rmdel(1), what(1), sccsfile(4), attributes(5) DIAGNOSTICS
Use the SCCS help command for explanations (see sccs-help(1)). SunOS 5.10 1 Nov 1999 sccs-cdc(1)
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