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jexec(8) [freebsd man page]

JEXEC(8)						    BSD System Manager's Manual 						  JEXEC(8)

jexec -- execute a command inside an existing jail SYNOPSIS
jexec [-u username | -U username] jail command ... DESCRIPTION
The jexec utility executes command inside the jail identified by its jid or name. The following options are available: -u username The user name from host environment as whom the command should run. -U username The user name from jailed environment as whom the command should run. SEE ALSO
jail_attach(2), jail(8), jls(8) HISTORY
The jexec utility was added in FreeBSD 5.1. BUGS
If the jail is not identified by jid there is a possible race in between the lookup of the jail and executing the command inside the jail. Giving a jid has a similar race as another process can stop the jail and start another one after the user looked up the jid. BSD
May 27, 2009 BSD

Check Out this Related Man Page

JLS(8)							    BSD System Manager's Manual 						    JLS(8)

jls -- list jails SYNOPSIS
jls [-dhNnqsv] [-j jail] [parameter ...] DESCRIPTION
The jls utility lists all active jails, or the specified jail. Each jail is represented by one row which contains space-separated values of the listed parameters, including the pseudo-parameter all which will show all available jail parameters. A list of available parameters can be retrieved via ``sysctl -d security.jail.param''. See jail(8) for a description of some core parameters. If no parameters or any of the options -hns are given, the following four columns will be printed: jail identifier (jid), IP address (ip4.addr), hostname (host.hostname), and path (path). The following options are available: -d List dying as well as active jails. -h Print a header line containing the parameters listed. If no parameters are given on the command line, all is assumed. -N In the standard display mode, print each jail's name instead of its numeric ID. If the jail does not have a name, the numeric ID is printed instead. -n Print parameters in ``name=value'' format, where each parameter is preceded by its name. If no parameters are given on the command line, all is assumed. -q Put quotes around parameters if they contain spaces or quotes, or are the empty string. -s Print parameters suitable for passing to jail(8), skipping read-only and unused parameters. Implies -nq. -v Print a multiple-line summary per jail, with the following parameters: jail identifier (jid), hostname (host.hostname), path (path), jail name (name), jail state (dying), cpuset ID (cpuset), IP address(es) (ip4.addr and ip6.addr). -j jail The jid or name of the jail to list. Without this option, all active jails will be listed. SEE ALSO
jail_get(2), jail(8), jexec(8) HISTORY
The jls utility was added in FreeBSD 5.1. Extensible jail parameters were introduced in FreeBSD 8.0. BSD
July 20, 2012 BSD
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