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acl_delete_perm(3) [freebsd man page]

ACL_DELETE_PERM(3)					   BSD Library Functions Manual 					ACL_DELETE_PERM(3)

acl_delete_perm -- delete permissions from a permission set LIBRARY
Standard C Library (libc, -lc) SYNOPSIS
#include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/acl.h> int acl_delete_perm(acl_permset_t permset_d, acl_perm_t perm); DESCRIPTION
The acl_delete_perm() function is a POSIX.1e call that removes specific permissions from permissions set perm. RETURN VALUES
The acl_delete_perm() function returns the value 0 if successful; otherwise the value -1 is returned and the global variable errno is set to indicate the error. ERRORS
The acl_delete_perm() function fails if: [EINVAL] Argument permset_d is not a valid descriptor for a permission set. Argument perm does not contain a valid acl_perm_t value. SEE ALSO
acl(3), acl_add_perm(3), acl_clear_perms(3), acl_get_permset(3), acl_set_permset(3), posix1e(3) STANDARDS
POSIX.1e is described in IEEE POSIX.1e draft 17. HISTORY
POSIX.1e support was introduced in FreeBSD 4.0. The acl_delete_perm() function was added in FreeBSD 5.0. AUTHORS
The acl_delete_perm() function was written by Chris D. Faulhaber <>. BSD
March 10, 2001 BSD

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ACL_DELETE_PERM(3)					   BSD Library Functions Manual 					ACL_DELETE_PERM(3)

acl_delete_perm -- delete permissions from a permission set LIBRARY
Standard C Library (libc, -lc) SYNOPSIS
#include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/acl.h> int acl_delete_perm(acl_permset_t permset_d, acl_perm_t perm); DESCRIPTION
The acl_delete_perm() function is a POSIX.1e call that removes specific permissions from permissions set perm. RETURN VALUES
The acl_delete_perm() function returns the value 0 if successful; otherwise the value -1 is returned and the global variable errno is set to indicate the error. ERRORS
The acl_delete_perm() function fails if: [EINVAL] Argument permset_d is not a valid descriptor for a permission set. Argument perm does not contain a valid acl_perm_t value. SEE ALSO
acl(3), acl_add_perm(3), acl_clear_perms(3), acl_get_permset(3), acl_set_permset(3), posix1e(3) STANDARDS
POSIX.1e is described in IEEE POSIX.1e draft 17. HISTORY
POSIX.1e support was introduced in FreeBSD 4.0. The acl_delete_perm() function was added in FreeBSD 5.0. AUTHORS
The acl_delete_perm() function was written by Chris D. Faulhaber <>. BSD
March 10, 2001 BSD
Man Page

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