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roaraudio(7) [debian man page]

RoarAudio(7)						System Manager's Manual: RoarAuido					      RoarAudio(7)

RoarAudio - RoarAudio sound system and package SYNOPSIS
RoarAudio is a modern, multi-OS, network transparent sound system. It supports a large amount of features required for home and profes- sional usage. Its main purpose is to connect software (like media players) and devices (like soundcards) as a mid-layer adding features you expect from a modern sound system like software mixing and full network transparency. RoarAudio can also be used to connect multiple software components. An example for such a setup is a common webradio setup where the used playback software is connected to a streaming server in addition to a local soundcard. RoarAudio has special features for such setups like meta data passing. MAIN FEATURES
* fully network transparent. Network support for UNIX Domain Sockets, TCP/IP and DECnet * multiple audio streams per client * Vorbis comments like meta data for each audio stream * support for "legacy" clients via libroaresd, libroararts, libroaryiff * support for PulseAudio and OpenBSD's sndio clients via libroarpulse and libroarsndio * supported by many media players and other sound using applications! * mixing clients at individual levels like an analog mixer * server and client side support for common codecs like Ogg Vorbis, Speex, FLAC and many more * support for 8, 16, 24 and 32 bit per sample. Mixer resolution up to 64 bit * and many more... BUGS
A lot... SEE ALSO
roar-config(1), roarcat(1), roarctl(1), roarfilt(1), roarfish(1), roarmon(1), roartypes(1), roarvorbis(1), roard(1), roartips(7), libroar(7). HISTORY
Project started in mid of 2008. Milestones: 2008-08-31 First offical release (v. 0.1) 2009-02-04 First release of the new trunk for 0.2 (v. 0.2beta0) With this release the version schema was changed. 2009-05-21 Release of version 0.2 2009-09-06 First commercal use (roarphone, v. 0.3beta0) 2010-06-11 New pre-release based release-cycle was introduced to improve release quality 2010-08-22 Release of version 0.3 RoarAudio November 2010 RoarAudio(7)

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roarbaseclients(1)					  System Manager's Manual: roard					roarbaseclients(1)

roarcat, roarmon - RoarAudio sound server base clients SYNOPSIS
roarcat [OPTIONS]... [FILE] roarmon [OPTIONS]... DESCRIPTION
This are some basic clients for RoarAuido. Some more complex are listen in the SEE ALSO block. For controlling roard take a look at roarctl(1). For a simple Ogg Vorbis player take a look at roarvorbis(1) (ogg123 supportes RoarAudio via libao plugin). roarcat Sends raw PCM audio data from a file or stdin (pipe) to the sound server. roarmon Gets a copy of the audio data the server sends to the soundcard. This is useful for streaming to a server like icecast2(1). GENERAL OPTIONS
NOTE: This list is incomplete! In addition to this list all three programs provide compatible options for esdcat, esdmon. You can just replace the "esd" in the name with "roar" or use symlinks. This options are for compatibly only and should not used in new programs. --help Print some help text. AUDIO OPTIONS
--rate RATE, -R RATE Set server sample rate. --bits BITS, -B BITS Set server bits. --chans CHANNELS, -C CHANNELS Set server channels. NETWORK OPTIONS
--server SERVER The server to connect to. ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES
Bellow only the basic environment varibales are listend. For a complete list see libroar(7). HOME The users home directory. ROAR_SERVER The address of the listening server. This may be in form of host:port for TCP/IP connections and /path/to/sock for UNIX Domain Sock- ets or any other supported format. See roartips(7) for a full list. This is the same as the --server option. BUGS
There are a lot of bugs... SEE ALSO
roarctl(1), roarvorbis(1), roarfish(1), roartestclients(1), roartips(7), libroar(7), RoarAudio(7). HISTORY
For history information see RoarAudio(7). RoarAudio July 2008 roarbaseclients(1)
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