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xray::absorption::shaltout(3pm) [debian man page]

Xray::Absorption::Shaltout(3pm) 			User Contributed Perl Documentation			   Xray::Absorption::Shaltout(3pm)


	      $xsec = Xray::Absorption -> cross_section($elem, $energy, $mode);

	      @xsec = Xray::Absorption -> cross_section($elem, @energy, $mode);

	   The $mode argument is different here than for the other resources.  The options are "xsec", "photo", "coherent" and "incoherent",
	   telling this method to return the full cross-section or just the photoelectric, coherent, or incoherent portions.

	   The values for all cross-sections are computed as log-log polynomials as described in the original paper by Shaltout et al.

Xray::Absorption::Shaltout - Perl interface to the Shaltout tables SYNOPSIS
use Xray::Absorption; Xray::Absorption -> load("shaltout"); See the documentation for Xray::Absorption for details. DESCRIPTION
This module is inherited by the Xray::Absorption module and provides access to the data contained in Update of photoelectric absorption coefficients in the tables of McMaster Abdallah Shaltout, Horst Ebel, and Robert Svagera X-Ray Spectrometry(2006) vol. 35, p. 52-56 The data is contained in a database file called shaltout.db which is generated at install time from a flat text database of the data which can be found at <> as explained in the reference. The required Chemistry::Elements module is available from CPAN in the miscellaneous modules section. EDGE AND LINE ENERGIES
The Shaltout data resource includes all K, L, M, and N edges but does not provide any of the line energies. An minimal set of line energies is imported from the McMaster data resource. BUGS AND THINGS TO DO
This module has not be tested sufficiently. AUTHOR
Bruce Ravel, perl v5.12.4 2011-07-30 Xray::Absorption::Shaltout(3pm)

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Xray::FluorescenceEXAFS(3pm)				User Contributed Perl Documentation			      Xray::FluorescenceEXAFS(3pm)

Ifeffit::Demeter::FluorescenceEXAFS - Corrections for fluorescence EXAFS data DESCRIPTION
This provides class methods for computing corrections to fluorescence EXAFS data due to normalization, I0, and self-absorption effects. The corrections are computed from x-ray absorption coefficients provided by the Xray::Absorption package. METHODS
Note that the values returned for all methods depend on the data resource used. See Xray::Absorption. "mcmaster" This is called "mcmaster" for historical reasons. It calculates the normalization correcion for a given element. $sigma_mm = Xray::FluorescenceEXAFS->mcmaster($element, $edge); It takes the central atoms tag and the alphanumeric edge symbol as arguments and returns the normalization correction in units of Angstrom squared. "normalization" and "edgestep" are aliases for this method. "i0" This calculates the correcion due to the I0 fill gases in a fluorescence experiment. $gases = {nitrogen=>$nitrogen, argon=>$argon, krypton=>$krypton}; $sigma_i0 = Xray::FluorescenceEXAFS->i_zero($central, $edge, $gases); It takes the central atoms tag, the alphanumeric edge symbol, and a reference to a hash containing the volume percentages of the three gases as arguments. It assumes that any remaining volume is filled with helium and it correctly accounts for the fact that nitrogen is a diatom. It returns the I0 correction in units of Angstrom squared. "i_zero" and "izero" are aliases for this method. "self" This calculates the correcion due to self-absorption fluorescence experiment. It assumes that the sample is infinately thick and that the entry and exit angles of the photons are the same. $contents = {Y=>1, Ba=>2, Cu=>3, O=>7}; ($amp_i0, $sigma_i0) = Xray::FluorescenceEXAFS->self($central, $edge, $contents); It takes the central atoms tag, the alphanumeric edge symbol, and a reference to a hash which counts the atoms in the unit cell. It returns a list whose zeroth element is the multiplicative amplitude correction and whose first element is the sigma^2 correction in units of Angstrom squared. "overabsorption" is an aliases for this method. BUGS AND LIMITATIONS
o Fourth cumulant corrections are not calculated. o Geometry and thickness effects are not included in the self absorption calculation Please report problems to Bruce Ravel (bravel AT bnl DOT gov) Patches are welcome. AUTHOR
Bruce Ravel (bravel AT bnl DOT gov) LICENCE AND COPYRIGHT
Copyright (c) 2006-2008 Bruce Ravel (bravel AT bnl DOT gov). All rights reserved. This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See perlartistic. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. perl v5.12.4 2011-07-30 Xray::FluorescenceEXAFS(3pm)
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