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mail::spf::mech::exists(3pm) [debian man page]

Mail::SPF::Mech::Exists(3pm)				User Contributed Perl Documentation			      Mail::SPF::Mech::Exists(3pm)

Mail::SPF::Mech::Exists - SPF record "exists" mechanism class DESCRIPTION
An object of class Mail::SPF::Mech::Exists represents an SPF record mechanism of type "exists". Constructors The following constructors are provided: new(%options): returns Mail::SPF::Mech::Exists Creates a new SPF record "exists" mechanism object. %options is a list of key/value pairs representing any of the following options: qualifier domain_spec See "new" in Mail::SPF::Mech. new_from_string($text, %options): returns Mail::SPF::Mech::Exists; throws Mail::SPF::ENothingToParse, Mail::SPF::EInvalidMech Creates a new SPF record "exists" mechanism object by parsing the string and any options given. Class methods The following class methods are provided: default_qualifier qualifier_pattern See "Class methods" in Mail::SPF::Mech. name: returns string Returns 'exists'. name_pattern: returns Regexp Returns a regular expression that matches a mechanism name of 'exists'. Instance methods The following instance methods are provided: text qualifier params stringify See "Instance methods" in Mail::SPF::Mech. domain_spec: returns Mail::SPF::MacroString Returns the "domain-spec" parameter of the mechanism. match($server, $request): returns boolean Checks whether a DNS "A" record exists for the mechanism's target domain name, and returns true if one does, or false otherwise. See RFC 4408, 5.7, for details. SEE ALSO
Mail::SPF, Mail::SPF::Record, Mail::SPF::Term, Mail::SPF::Mech <> For availability, support, and license information, see the README file included with Mail::SPF. AUTHORS
Julian Mehnle <>, Shevek <> perl v5.14.2 2012-01-30 Mail::SPF::Mech::Exists(3pm)

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Mail::SPF::Mech::All(3) 				User Contributed Perl Documentation				   Mail::SPF::Mech::All(3)

Mail::SPF::Mech::All - SPF record "all" mechanism class DESCRIPTION
An object of class Mail::SPF::Mech::All represents an SPF record mechanism of type "all". Constructors The following constructors are provided: new: returns Mail::SPF::Mech::All Creates a new SPF record "all" mechanism object. %options is a list of key/value pairs representing any of the following options: qualifier See "new" in Mail::SPF::Mech. new_from_string($text, %options): returns Mail::SPF::Mech::All; throws Mail::SPF::ENothingToParse, Mail::SPF::EInvalidMech Creates a new SPF record "all" mechanism object by parsing the string and any options given. Class methods The following class methods are provided: default_qualifier qualifier_pattern See "Class methods" in Mail::SPF::Mech. name: returns string Returns 'all'. name_pattern: returns Regexp Returns a regular expression that matches a mechanism name of 'all'. Instance methods The following instance methods are provided: text qualifier name stringify See "Instance methods" in Mail::SPF::Mech. match($server, $request): returns boolean Returns true because the "all" mechanism always matches. See RFC 4408, 5.1, for details. SEE ALSO
Mail::SPF, Mail::SPF::Record, Mail::SPF::Term, Mail::SPF::Mech <> For availability, support, and license information, see the README file included with Mail::SPF. AUTHORS
Julian Mehnle <>, Shevek <> perl v5.16.3 2014-06-10 Mail::SPF::Mech::All(3)
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