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roar_vs_new(3) [debian man page]

roar_vs_new(3)						   RoarAudio Programmer's Manual					    roar_vs_new(3)

roar_vs_stream, roar_vs_new_from_con - Create new VS objects SYNOPSIS
#include <roaraudio.h> roar_vs_t * roar_vs_new(const char * server, const char * name, int * error); roar_vs_t * roar_vs_new_from_con(struct roar_connection * con, int * error); DESCRIPTION
These calls are used to create new VS objects without a yet connected data connection. They are only helpful if there you want to share a control connection between multiple streams (generally recommended if using multiple streams to the same server) or need to use some extended parts of the VS API. If you look for a easy way to open a stream see roar_vs_new_simple(3) and roar_vs_new_from_file(3). roar_vs_new() opens a new control connection to server server. name is used as application name. roar_vs_new_from_con() creates a new VS object from the extsing control connection con. VS objects created via roar_vs_new_from_con() will not close the control connection on roar_vs_close(3). PARAMETERS
server The server to connect to. NULL for defaults. name The application name. This should be something the user can use to identify the application. It MUST NOT be the application's binary name or the value of argv[0]. con The already existing and open control connection to use. error This is a pointer to a integer used to store the error value in case of error. This can be NULL if not used but it is very recom- mended to use this error value to report good error messages to the user. RETURN VALUE
On success these calls return a new VS object. On error, NULL is returned. EXAMPLES
roar_vs_new_simple(3), roar_vs_new_from_file(3), roar_vs_close(3), roarvs(7), libroar(7), RoarAudio(7). RoarAudio June 2011 roar_vs_new(3)

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roar_vs_stream(3)					   RoarAudio Programmer's Manual					 roar_vs_stream(3)

roar_vs_stream - Set up stream parameters for VS object SYNOPSIS
#include <roaraudio.h> int roar_vs_stream(roar_vs_t * vss, const struct roar_audio_info * info, int dir, int * error); DESCRIPTION
This function asks a VS object opened by roar_vs_new_from_con(3) or roar_vs_new(3) to open the data connection using the audio parameters info and the stream direction dir. This function needs to be called before data is read or written if one of the above functions is used to create the VS object. This function is also used to provide parameters for the file mode (which is started by using roar_vs_file(3) or roar_vs_file_simple(3)). To play back a file this is not needed in a common case as the VS API tries to find correct parameters. It is required for all other stream directions. See roar_vs_file(3) and roar_vs_file_simple(3) for more information. On failture this function can be called again with diffrent parameters. PARAMETERS
vss The VS object to be updated. info This is a pointer to the roar_audio_info structure storing the audio format parameters. The structure contains the following meme- bers: rate (sample rate), bits (bits per sample), channels (channels per frame) and codec. dir This is the stream direction. Common values include ROAR_DIR_PLAY for waveform playback, ROAR_DIR_MONITOR for waveform monitoring, ROAR_DIR_RECORD for waveform recording. For MIDI ROAR_DIR_MIDI_IN and ROAR_DIR_MIDI_OUT is used. error This is a pointer to a integer used to store the error value in case of error. This can be NULL if not used but it is very recom- mended to use this error value to report good error messages to the user. RETURN VALUE
On success these calls return 0. On error, -1 is returned. EXAMPLES
struct roar_audio_info info; int err; if ( roar_profile2info(&info, "isdn-eu") == -1 ) { // error handling. } if ( roar_vs_stream(vss, &info, ROAR_DIR_PLAY, &err) == -1 ) { // error handling. } SEE ALSO
roar_vs_file(3), roar_vs_file_simple(3), roarvs(7), libroar(7), RoarAudio(7). RoarAudio June 2011 roar_vs_stream(3)
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