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lqrcoldepth(3) [debian man page]

LQRCOLDEPTH(3)						     LqR library API reference						    LQRCOLDEPTH(3)

LqrColDepth - carver objects colour depth specification DESCRIPTION
The default LqrCarver object constructor lqr_carver_new uses a colour depth of 8 bits per channel, and therefore its input must be an array of unsigned chars. However, the LqrCarver objects can handle images of grater colour depth, if they are created with the lqr_carver_new_ext constructor. The possible colour depths are specified through variables of type LqrColDepth, which is an enum type; its possible values, and the type of the input buffer associated with them, are: LQR_COLDEPTH_8I use type guchar (8 bit unsigned integers) - the default LQR_COLDEPTH_16I use type guint16 (16 bit unsigned integers) LQR_COLDEPTH_32F use type gfloat (32 bit floating point) LQR_COLDEPTH_64F use type gdouble (64 bit floating point) These values are also relevant when reading out a LqrCarver object with the functions lqr_carver_scan_ext or lqr_carver_scan_line_ext, since the readout buffer must be cast to the appropriate type to be actually read. The colour depth of an LqrCarver object can be obtained with the function lqr_carver_get_col_depth. SEE ALSO
lqr_carver_new(3), lqr_carver_get_col_depth(3), lqr_carver_scan(3), lqr_carver_scan_line(3) COPYRIGHT
Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Carlo Baldassi LqR library 0.4.1 API (3:1:3) 10 Maj 2009 LQRCOLDEPTH(3)

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LQR_CARVER_NEW(3)					     LqR library API reference						 LQR_CARVER_NEW(3)

lqr_carver_new, lqr_carver_new_ext - the LqrCarver object constructors SYNOPSIS
#include <lqr.h> LqrCarver* lqr_carver_new(guchar* buffer, gint width, gint height, gint channels); LqrCarver* lqr_carver_new_ext(void* buffer, gint width, gint height, gint channels, LqrColDepth colour_depth); DESCRIPTION
The functions lqr_carver_new and lqr_carver_new_ext create a new LqrCarver object from an image of size width * height with channels colour channels. The image must be stored in buffer as a plain array of unsigned chars (for lqr_carver_new) or the appropriate type cast to void (for lqr_carver_new_ext), ordered by row, then by column, then by colour channel. In the extended constructor lqr_carver_new_ext, the additional parameter colour_depth is required to specify the colour depth of the buffer (see LqrColDepth(3) for more information). After calling the function, the buffer will be owned by the LqrCarver object and must not be accessed any more, unless you subsequently call the lqr_carver_set_preserve_input_image(3) function. The image type is et automatically from the value of channels according to this table: Table 3.1. Image types assigned by default +---------+------------------+ |channels | type | +---------+------------------+ |1 | LQR_GREY_IMAGE | +---------+------------------+ |2 | LQR_GREYA_IMAGE | +---------+------------------+ |3 | LQR_RGB_IMAGE | +---------+------------------+ |4 | LQR_RGBA_IMAGE | +---------+------------------+ |5 | LQR_CMYKA_IMAGE | +---------+------------------+ |>5 | LQR_CUSTOM_IMAGE | +---------+------------------+ RETURN VALUE
The return value is the address of the newly created LqrCarver object, or NULL in case of failure (insufficient memory). SEE ALSO
LqrColDepth(3), LqrImageType(3), lqr_carver_destroy(3), lqr_carver_init(3), lqr_carver_set_preserve_input_image(3) COPYRIGHT
Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Carlo Baldassi LqR library 0.4.1 API (3:1:3) 10 Maj 2009 LQR_CARVER_NEW(3)
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