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prototyper(1) [debian man page]

Prototyper(1)							   User Commands						     Prototyper(1)

Prototyper - Runs CLAM networks with a Qt interface SYNOPSIS
Prototyper [Network.clamnetwork [Interface.ui]] [-o] [-d backend1 [-d backend2]...] DESCRIPTION
The Prototyper runs audio processing networks created by the CLAM NetworkEditor (.clamnetwork) which can be controlled using a Qt user interface (.ui) created by the Qt Designer to control it. Qt widget names on the interface will be used to connect the widgets the proper network elements. See the CLAM NetworkEditor tutorial for more detailed explanation. on how to specify such binding. If no interface is provided on the command line, the Prototyper will look for an interface with the same name than the network and the proper extension. If anything else fails then a minimalistic default interface will be used. You can also provide a list of audio backends to try. Most common backends are 'alsa', 'jack', 'portaudio'... They will be probed in order and the first one working will be selected. If none of the selected works then the default list of backends for the platform will be tried. The -o option executes the network without any interface AUTHOR
CLAM development team (clam (at) SEE ALSO
NetworkEditor(1), designer-qt4(1), QtSMSTools(1), Annotator(1) (Network Editor Tutorial) version 0.1.2 August 24, 2005 Prototyper(1)

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network-admin(1)						   User Commands						  network-admin(1)

network-admin - Basic administration of network interfaces. SYNOPSIS
network-admin [--configure=INTERFACE] [--configure-type=TYPE] [gnome-std-options] DESCRIPTION
network-admin enumerates the interfaces available to the user and provides a mechanism for configuring these interfaces as static-IP or DHCP. It's also possible to select which interfaces should be enabled on boot. network-admin also allows you configure the systems hostname, DNS options and hosts using the user interface. OPTIONS
The following options are supported: -c, --configure=INTERFACE Configure a specific network interface (e.g. ath0 or bge0). -t, --configure-type=TYPE Configure the first network interface of a specific type (e.g. ethernet or wireless). gnome-std-options Standard options available for use with most GNOME applications. See gnome-std-options(5) for more informa- tion. EXAMPLES
Example 1: Running the main application. example% network-admin Example 2: Configuring the ath0 network interface. example% network-admin --configure=ath0 Example 3: Configuring the first ethernet interface. example% network-admin --configure-type=ethernet EXIT STATUS
The following exit values are returned: 0 Application exited successfully >0 Application exited with failure FILES
The following files are used by this application: /usr/bin/network-admin Executable for network interface configuration. /etc/inet/gnome-system-tools Storage location for network configuration files when not active on boot. /var/spool/setup-tool-backends/backup/network Backup directory for files that are modified. /var/spool/setup-tool-backends/data/network Where "Location" profiles are stored. /var/run/setup-tool-backends/debug/network Debug logs can be found under here. ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Availability |SUNWgnome-system-tools | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Interface stability |Uncommitted | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
Latest version of the GNOME Desktop User Guide for your platform. users-admin(1), shares-admin(1), services-admin(1), time-admin(1), gnome-std-options(5), ifconfig(1M), hosts(4), nsswitch.conf(4), resolv.conf(4), attributes(5) NOTES
This tool can only be used to manage physical network devices as returned by the "dladm show-dev" command, it does not support configura- tion of more complex configurations. There is currently no support for enterprise name services such as YP/NIS, NIS+ or LDAP. There is also no support for anything but the global zone. Written by Darren Kenny, Sun Microsystems Inc., 2006. SunOS 5.11 6 Nov 2006 network-admin(1)
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