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semodule_link(8) [centos man page]


semodule_link - Link SELinux policy module packages together SYNOPSIS
semodule_link [-Vv] [-o outfile] basemodpkg modpkg1 [modpkg2]... DESCRIPTION
semodule_link is a developer tool for manually linking together a set of SELinux policy module packages into a single policy module pack- age. This tool is not necessary for normal operation of SELinux. In normal operation, such linking is performed internally by libsemanage in response to semodule commands. Module packages are created by semodule_package. OPTIONS
-V show version -v verbose mode -o <output file> Linked policy module package generated by this tool. SEE ALSO
checkmodule(8), semodule_package(8), semodule(8), semodule_expand(8) (8), AUTHORS
This manual page was written by Dan Walsh <>. The program was written by Karl MacMillan <> Security Enhanced Linux Nov 2005 SEMODULE_LINK(8)

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semodule_package - Create a SELinux policy module package. SYNOPSIS
semodule_package -o <output file> -m <module> [-f <file contexts>] DESCRIPTION
semodule_package is the tool used to create a SELinux policy module package from a binary policy module and optionally other data such as file contexts. semodule_package packages binary policy modules created by checkmodule. The policy package created by semodule_package can then be installed via semodule. EXAMPLE
# Build a policy package for a base module. $ semodule_package -o base.pp -m base.mod -f file_contexts # Build a policy package for a httpd module. $ semodule_package -o httpd.pp -m httpd.mod -f httpd.fc # Build a policy package for local TE rules and no file contexts. $ semodule_package -o local.pp -m local.mod OPTIONS
-o --outfile <output file> Policy module package file generated by this tool. -s --seuser <seuser file> seuser file to be included in the package. -u --user_extra <user extra file> user_extra file to be included in the package. -m --module <Module file> Policy module file to be included in the package. -f --fc <File context file> File contexts file for the module (optional). -n --nc <netfilter context file> netfilter context file to be included in the package. SEE ALSO
checkmodule(8), semodule(8), semodule_unpackage(8) AUTHORS
This manual page was written by Dan Walsh <>. The program was written by Karl MacMillan <> Security Enhanced Linux Nov 2005 SEMODULE_PACKAGE(8)
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Discussion started by: zmfcat1
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