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cache_dump(8) [centos man page]

CACHE_DUMP(8)						      System Manager's Manual						     CACHE_DUMP(8)

cache_dump - dump cache metadata from device or file to standard output SYNOPSIS
cache_dump [options] {device|file} DESCRIPTION
cache_dump dumps binary cache metadata created by the device-mapper cache target on a device or file to standard output for analysis or postprocessing in XML format. XML formated metadata can be fed into cache_restore (see cache_restore(8)) in order to put it back onto a metadata device (to process by the device-mapper target) or file. -r, --repair Repair the metadata whilst dumping it. -h, --help Print help and exit. -V, --version Output version information and exit. EXAMPLES
Dumps the cache metadata on logical volume /dev/vg/metadata to standard output in XML format: cache_dump /dev/vg/metadata EXAMPLES
Dumps the cache metadata on logical volume /dev/vg/metadata whilst repairing it to standard output in XML format: cache_dump --repair /dev/vg/metadata DIAGNOSTICS
cache_dump returns an exit code of 0 for success or 1 for error. SEE ALSO
cache_check(8) cache_repair(8) cache_restore(8) AUTHOR
Joe Thornber <> Heinz Mauelshagen <> Red Hat, Inc. Thin Provisioning Tools CACHE_DUMP(8)

Check Out this Related Man Page

CACHE_CHECK(8)						      System Manager's Manual						    CACHE_CHECK(8)

cache_check - repair cache metadata on device or file SYNOPSIS
cache_check [options] {device|file} DESCRIPTION
cache_check checks cache metadata created by the device-mapper cache target on a device or file. OPTIONS
-q, --quiet Suppress output messages, return only exit code. -h, --help Print help and exit. -V, --version Output version information and exit. --super-block-only Only check the superblock is present. --skip-mappings Skip checking of the block mappings which make up the bulk of the metadata. --skip-hints Skip checking of the policy hint values metadata. --skip-discards Skip checking of the discard bits in the metadata. EXAMPLE
Analyses and repairs cache metadata on logical volume /dev/vg/metadata: cache_check /dev/vg/metadata The device may not be actively used by the target when running. DIAGNOSTICS
cache_check returns an exit code of 0 for success or 1 for error. SEE ALSO
cache_dump(8) cache_repair(8) cache_restore(8) AUTHOR
Joe Thornber <> Heinz Mauelshagen <> Red Hat, Inc. Thin Provisioning Tools CACHE_CHECK(8)
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