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wngroups(7) [centos man page]

WNGROUPS(7)							     WordNettm							       WNGROUPS(7)

wngroups - discussion of WordNet search code to group similar verb senses DESCRIPTION
Some similar senses of verbs have been grouped by the lexicographers. This grouping is done statically in the lexicographer source files using the semantic pointer_symbol $. Transitivity is used to combine groups of overlapping senses into the largest sense groups possible. NOTES
Coverage of verb groups is incomplete. ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES (UNIX) WNHOME Base directory for WordNet. Default is /usr/local/WordNet-3.0. WNSEARCHDIR Directory in which the WordNet database has been installed. Default is WNHOME/dict. REGISTRY (WINDOWS) HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREWordNet3.0WNHome Base directory for WordNet. Default is C:Program FilesWordNet3.0. FILES
sentidx.vrb verb sense keys and sentence frame numbers sents.vrb example sentence frames SEE ALSO
wn(1), wnb(1), senseidx(5), wnsearch(3), wndb(5), wnintro(7). WordNet 3.0 Dec 2006 WNGROUPS(7)

Check Out this Related Man Page

WNINTRO(7)						  Miscellaneous WordNettm Topics						WNINTRO(7)

wnintro - introduction to miscellaneous WordNet information SYNOPSIS
morphy - discussion of WordNet's morphological processing uniqbeg - unique beginners for noun hierarchies wngloss - glossary of terms used in WordNet wngroups - discussion of WordNet search code to group similar senses wnlicens - text of WordNet license agreement wnpkgs - information about WordNet packages and distribution wnstats - database statistics DESCRIPTION
This section of the WordNet Reference Manual contains manual pages that describe various topics related to WordNet and the semantic concor- dances, and a glossary of terms. SEE ALSO
wnintro(1), wnintro(3), wnintro(5), morphy(7), uniqbeg(7), wngroups(7), wnlicens(7), wnpkgs(7), wnstats(7), wngloss(7). Fellbaum, C. (1998), ed. "WordNet: An Electronic Lexical Database". MIT Press, Cambridge, MA. WordNet 3.0 Dec 2006 WNINTRO(7)
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