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pcp.conf(5) [centos man page]

PCP.CONF(5)							File Formats Manual						       PCP.CONF(5)

pcp.conf - the Performance Co-Pilot configuration and environment file SYNOPSIS
/etc/pcp.conf DESCRIPTION
When using Performance Co-Pilot (PCP) tools and utilities and when calling PCP library functions, a standard set of environment variables are defined in /etc/pcp.conf. These variables are generally used to specify the location of various PCP pieces in the file system and may be loaded into shell scripts by sourcing the /etc/pcp.env(5) shell script and queried by C/C++ programs using the pmGetConfig(3) library function. If a variable is already defined in the environment, the values in pcp.conf do not override those values, i.e. the values in pcp.conf serve as installation defaults only. Both the pcp.env and pcp.conf files are expected to be found in /etc by default. If required, the pcp.conf file may be relocated and PCP_CONF set in the environment to specify the full path to the new location. The pcp.env file can not be relocated (this is the only hard coded path required by PCP). The syntax rules for pcp.conf are as follows : 1. the general syntax is PCP_VARIABLE_NAME=variable value to end of line 2. lines that begin with # and all blank lines are ignored. 3. all variables must be prefixed with PCP_. This is a security issue - variables that do not have this prefix will be silently ignored. 4. there should be no space between the variable name and the literal = and no space between the = and the variable value (unless the value actually starts with a space). This is required because the pcp.conf file may be sourced directly by Makefiles as well as inter- preted by the pcp.env script and the pmGetConfig function. 5. variable values may contain spaces and should not be quoted. The pcp.env script automatically quotes all variable values from the character immediately following the = through to the end of the line. For further details and an explanation of the use of each variable, see the comments in the /etc/pcp.conf file itself. ENVIRONMENT
The PCP_CONF environment variable specifies an alternative path to the pcp.conf file. SEE ALSO
PCPIntro(1), PCPIntro(3), PMAPI(3), pmGetConfig(3) and pcp.env(5). Performance Co-Pilot PCP PCP.CONF(5)

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PMNSDEL(1)						      General Commands Manual							PMNSDEL(1)

pmnsdel - delete a subtree of names from the Performance Co-Pilot PMNS SYNOPSIS
$PCP_BINADM_DIR/pmnsdel [-d] [-n namespace] metricpath [ ... ] DESCRIPTION
pmnsdel removes subtrees of names from a Performance Metrics Name Space (PMNS), as used by the components of the Performance Co-Pilot (PCP). Normally pmnsdel operates on the default Performance Metrics Namespace (PMNS), however if the -n option is specified an alternative names- pace is used from the file namespace. The default PMNS is found in the file $PCP_VAR_DIR/pmns/root unless the environment variable PMNS_DEFAULT is set, in which case the value is assumed to be the pathname to the file containing the default PMNS. The metric names to be deleted are all those for which one of the metricpath arguments is a prefix in the PMNS, see pmns(5). All of the files defining the PMNS must be located within the directory that contains the root of the PMNS, and this would typically be $PCP_VAR_DIR/pmns for the default PMNS, and this would typically imply running pmnsdel as root. Provided some initial integrity checks are satisfied, pmnsdel will update the necessary PMNS files. Should an error be encountered the original namespace is restored. Note that any PMNS files that are no longer referenced by the modified namespace will not be removed, even though their contents are not part of the new namespace. The -d option allows the resultant PMNS to optionally contain duplicate PMIDs with different names in the PMNS. By default this condition is considered an error. CAVEAT
Once the writing of the new namespace file has begun, the signals SIGINT, SIGHUP and SIGTERM will be ignored to protect the integrity of the new files. FILES
$PCP_VAR_DIR/pmns/root the default PMNS, when then environment variable PMNS_DEFAULT is unset PCP ENVIRONMENT
Environment variables with the prefix PCP_ are used to parameterize the file and directory names used by PCP. On each installation, the file /etc/pcp.conf contains the local values for these variables. The $PCP_CONF variable may be used to specify an alternative configura- tion file, as described in pcp.conf(5). SEE ALSO
pmnsadd(1), pmnsmerge(1), pcp.conf(5), pcp.env(5) and pmns(5). Performance Co-Pilot PCP PMNSDEL(1)
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