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ipsec_pf_key(5) [centos man page]

IPSEC_PF_KEY(5) 						  [FIXME: manual]						   IPSEC_PF_KEY(5)

ipsec_pf_key - lists PF_KEY sockets registered with KLIPS SYNOPSIS
cat /proc/net/pf_key STACK
Note that pf_key is only supported on the KLIPS and MAST stacks. It is not supported on any other stack. DESCRIPTION
/proc/net/pf_key is a read-only file which lists the presently open PF_KEY sockets on the local system and their parameters. Each line lists one PF_KEY socket. A table entry consists of: + sock pointer (sock) + PID of the socket owner (pid) + flag to indicate if the socket is dead (d) + socket wait queue (sleep) + socket pointer (socket) + next socket in chain (next) + previous socket in chain (prev) + last socket error (e) + pointer to destruct routine (destruct) + is this a reused socket (r) + has this socket been zapped (z) + socket family to which this socket belongs (fa) + local port number (n) + protocol version number (p) + Receive queue bytes committed (r) + Transmit queue bytes committed (w) + option memory allocations (o) + size of send buffer in bytes (sndbf) + timestamp in seconds (stamp) + socket flags (Flags) + socket type (Type) + connection state (St) EXAMPLES
c3b8c140 3553 0 c0599818 c05997fc 0 0 0 0 1 0 15 0 2 0 0 0 65535 0.103232 00000000 00000003 01 shows that there is one pf_key socket set up that starts at c3b8c140, whose owning process has PID 3553, the socket is not dead, its wait queue is at c0599818, whose owning socket is at c05997fc, with no other sockets in the chain, no errors, no destructor, it is a reused socket which has not been zapped, from protocol family 15 (PF_KEY), local port number 0, protocol socket version 2, no memory allocated to transmit, receive or option queues, a send buffer of almost 64kB, a timestamp of 0.103232, no flags set, type 3, in state 1. FILES
/proc/net/pf_key SEE ALSO
ipsec(8), ipsec_manual(8), ipsec_eroute(5), ipsec_spi(5), ipsec_spigrp(5), ipsec_klipsdebug(5), ipsec_tncfg(8), ipsec_version(5) HISTORY
Written for the Linux FreeS/WAN project <> by Richard Guy Briggs. [FIXME: source] 10/06/2010 IPSEC_PF_KEY(5)

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listen(3XNET)					   X/Open Networking Services Library Functions 				     listen(3XNET)

listen - listen for socket connections and limit the queue of incoming connections SYNOPSIS
cc [ flag ... ] file ... -lxnet [ library ... ] #include <sys/socket.h> int listen(int socket, int backlog); DESCRIPTION
The listen() function marks a connection-mode socket, specified by the socket argument, as accepting connections, and limits the number of outstanding connections in the socket's listen queue to the value specified by the backlog argument. If listen() is called with a backlog argument value that is less than 0, the function sets the length of the socket's listen queue to 0. The implementation may include incomplete connections in the queue subject to the queue limit. The implementation may also increase the specified queue limit internally if it includes such incomplete connections in the queue subject to this limit. Implementations may limit the length of the socket's listen queue. If backlog exceeds the implementation-dependent maximum queue length, the length of the socket's listen queue will be set to the maximum supported value. The socket in use may require the process to have appropriate privileges to use the listen() function. RETURN VALUES
Upon successful completions, listen() returns 0. Otherwise, -1 is returned and errno is set to indicate the error. ERRORS
The listen() function will fail if: EBADF The socket argument is not a valid file descriptor. EDESTADDRREQ The socket is not bound to a local address, and the protocol does not support listening on an unbound socket. EINVAL The socket is already connected. ENOTSOCK The socket argument does not refer to a socket. EOPNOTSUPP The socket protocol does not support listen(). The listen() function may fail if: EACCES The calling process does not have the appropriate privileges. EINVAL The socket has been shut down. ENOBUFS Insufficient resources are available in the system to complete the call. ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Interface Stability |Standard | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |MT-Level |MT-Safe | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
accept(3XNET), connect(3XNET), socket(3XNET), attributes(5), standards(5) SunOS 5.11 10 Jun 2002 listen(3XNET)
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