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votequorum_qdevice_register(3) [centos man page]

VOTEQUORUM_QDEVICE_REGISTER(3)			    Corosync Cluster Engine Programmer's Manual 		    VOTEQUORUM_QDEVICE_REGISTER(3)

votequorum_qdevice_register - Registers a new quorum device SYNOPSIS
#include <corosync/votequorum.h> int votequorum_qdevice_register(votequorum_handle_t handle, const char * name); DESCRIPTION
The votequorum_qdevice_register is used to register a new quorum device. A quorum device is an external way of adding votes to a small cluster. The quorum device is, in effect, a pseudo node in the cluster that provide votes based on some external device, usually a shared disk partition or perhaps a network router. This call creates the device but does not mark it active. votequorum_qdevice_poll must be called for the votes to be included in the quo- rum calculation. name is string containing an informative name for the quorum device. It is simply stored by votequorum and used in the display of corosync- quorumtool, it can be a maximum of 254 characters. The number of votes contributed by the quorum device is already known to votequorum, it is set in cmap quorum.device.votes and not by the device. Note that it is the responsibility of the quorum device subsystem (not provided as part of votequorum) to keep all nodes informed of the quorum device status. RETURN VALUE
This call returns the CS_OK value if successful, otherwise an error is returned. ERRORS
CS_ERR_TRY_AGAIN Resource temporarily unavailable CS_ERR_INVALID_PARAM Invalid argument CS_ERR_ACCESS Permission denied CS_ERR_LIBRARY The connection failed CS_ERR_INTERRUPT System call inturrupted by a signal CS_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED The requested protocol/functuality not supported CS_ERR_MESSAGE_ERROR Incorrect auth message received CS_ERR_NO_MEMORY Not enough memory to completed the requested task SEE ALSO
votequorum_overview(8), votequorum_initialize(3), votequorum_finalize(3), votequorum_getinfo(3), votequorum_trackstart(3), votequo- rum_trackstop(3), votequorum_fd_get(3), votequorum_dispatch(3), votequorum_context_set(3), votequorum_context_get(3), votequorum_setex- pected(3), votequorum_setvotes(3), votequorum_qdevice_unregister(3), votequorum_qdevice_poll(3), votequorum_qdevice_update(3), votequo- rum_qdevice_master_wins(3) corosync Man Page 2014-06-10 VOTEQUORUM_QDEVICE_REGISTER(3)

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VOTEQUORUM_QDEVICE_MASTER_WINS(3)		    Corosync Cluster Engine Programmer's Manual 		 VOTEQUORUM_QDEVICE_MASTER_WINS(3)

votequorum_qdevice_master_wins - Sets or clears quorum device master_wins flag SYNOPSIS
#include <corosync/votequorum.h> int votequorum_qdevice_master_wins(votequorum_handle_t handle const char name, unsigned int allow); DESCRIPTION
The votequorum_qdevice_master_wins informs votequorum whether or not the currently registered qdevice subsystem supports 'master_wins' mode (default 0). This mode allows the qdevice to effectively take over the quorum calculations of votequorum. Any node with an active qdevice that also has master_wins set becomes quorate regardless of the node votes of the cluster. It is left up to the qdevice subsystem itself (not part of votequorum) to communicate across the nodes or otherwise provide some system of deciding which nodes will be part of the quo- rate cluster, if any. eg They may be the set of nodes that has access to a quorum disk. name The name of the currently registered quorum device on this node. This must match the existing name known to votequorum. allow 0 (the default) means that master_wins is not active on this node. 1 means that master_wins is active on this node. RETURN VALUE
This call returns the CS_OK value if successful, otherwise an error is returned. ERRORS
CS_ERR_TRY_AGAIN Resource temporarily unavailable CS_ERR_INVALID_PARAM Invalid argument CS_ERR_ACCESS Permission denied CS_ERR_LIBRARY The connection failed CS_ERR_INTERRUPT System call inturrupted by a signal CS_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED The requested protocol/functuality not supported CS_ERR_MESSAGE_ERROR Incorrect auth message received CS_ERR_NO_MEMORY Not enough memory to completed the requested task SEE ALSO
votequorum_overview(8), votequorum_initialize(3), votequorum_finalize(3), votequorum_getinfo(3), votequorum_trackstart(3), votequo- rum_trackstop(3), votequorum_fd_get(3), votequorum_dispatch(3), votequorum_context_set(3), votequorum_context_get(3), votequorum_setex- pected(3), votequorum_setvotes(3), votequorum_qdevice_register(3), votequorum_qdevice_poll(3), votequorum_qdevice_update(3), corosync Man Page 2014-06-10 VOTEQUORUM_QDEVICE_MASTER_WINS(3)
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