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pmlookupname(3) [centos man page]

PMLOOKUPNAME(3) 					     Library Functions Manual						   PMLOOKUPNAME(3)

pmLookupName - translate performance metric names into PMIDs C SYNOPSIS
#include <pcp/pmapi.h> int pmLookupName(int numpmid, char **namelist, pmID *pmidlist); cc ... -lpcp DESCRIPTION
Given a list in namelist containing numpmid full pathnames for performance metrics from a Performance Metrics Name Space (PMNS), pmLookup- Name returns the list of associated Performance Metric Identifiers (PMIDs) via pmidlist. The result from pmLookupName will be the number of names translated in the absence of errors, else an error code less than zero. When errors are encountered, the corresponding value in pmidlist will be PM_ID_NULL. Note that the error protocol guarantees there is a 1:1 relationship between the elements of namelist and pmidlist, hence both lists contain exactly numpmid elements. For this reason, the caller is expected to have pre-allocated a suitably sized array for pmidlist. SEE ALSO
PMAPI(3), pmGetChildren(3), pmGetChildrenStatus(3), pmGetConfig(3), pmLoadNameSpace(3), pmNameID(3), pmNewContext(3), pcp.conf(5) and pcp.env(5). DIAGNOSTICS
PM_ERR_TOOSMALL numpmid must be at least 1 PM_ERR_NOPMNS Failed to access a PMNS for operation. Note that if the application hasn't a priori called pmLoadNameSpace(3) and wants to use the distributed PMNS, then a call to pmLookupName must be made after the creation of a context (see pmNewContext(3)). PM_ERR_NAME One or more of the elements of namelist does not correspond to a valid metric name in the PMNS. PM_ERR_NONLEAF A name referred to a node in the PMNS but it was not a leaf node. PM_ERR_* Other diagnostics are for protocol failures when accessing the distributed PMNS. Performance Co-Pilot PCP PMLOOKUPNAME(3)

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PMTRAVERSEPMNS(3)					     Library Functions Manual						 PMTRAVERSEPMNS(3)

pmTraversePMNS, pmTraversePMNS_r - traverse the performance metrics name space C SYNOPSIS
#include <pcp/pmapi.h> int pmTraversePMNS(const char *name, void (*dometric)(const char *)); int pmTraversePMNS_r(const char *name, void (*dometric_r)(const char *, void *), void *closure); cc ... -lpcp DESCRIPTION
The routine pmTraversePMNS may be used to perform a depth-first traversal of the Performance Metrics Name Space (PMNS). The traversal starts at the node identified by name - if name is an empty string (i.e. ""), the traversal starts at the root of the PMNS. Usually name would be the pathname of a non-leaf node in the PMNS. For each leaf node (i.e. performance metric) found in the traversal, the user-supplied routine dometric is called with the full pathname of that metric in the PMNS as the single argument. This argument is null-byte terminated, and is constructed from a buffer that is managed internally to pmTraversePMNS. Consequently the value is only valid during the call to dometric - if the pathname needs to be retained, it should be copied using strdup(3C) before returning from dometric. The pmTraversePMNS_r routine performs the same function, except the callback method func_r has an additional parameter that will be closure from the initial call to pmTraversePMNS_r. The additional parameter to pmTraversePMNS_r and the callback method allows the caller to pass context through pmTraversePMNS_r and into the callback method func_r, making the service more useful for multi-threaded applications where thread-private data can be accessed in the callback method via the closure argument. On success pmTraversePMNS returns the number of children of name, which may be zero. SEE ALSO
PMAPI(3) and pmGetChildren(3). DIAGNOSTICS
PM_ERR_NOPMNS Failed to access a PMNS for operation. Note that if the application hasn't a priori called pmLoadNameSpace(3) and wants to use the distributed PMNS, then a call to pmTraversePMNS must be made inside a current context. PM_ERR_NAME The initial pathname name is not valid in the current PMNS. PM_ERR_* Other diagnostics are for protocol failures when accessing the distributed PMNS. Performance Co-Pilot PCP PMTRAVERSEPMNS(3)
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