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papi_attach(3) [centos man page]

PAPI_attach(3)							       PAPI							    PAPI_attach(3)

PAPI_attach - Attach PAPI event set to the specified thread id. SYNOPSIS
Detailed Description @par C Interface: int PAPI_attach( int EventSet, unsigned long tid ); PAPI_attach is a wrapper function that calls PAPI_set_opt to allow PAPI to monitor performance counts on a thread other than the one currently executing. This is sometimes referred to as third party monitoring. PAPI_attach connects the specified EventSet to the specifed thread; PAPI_detach breaks that connection and restores the EventSet to the original executing thread. @param EventSet An integer handle for a PAPI EventSet as created by PAPI_create_eventset. @param tid A thread id as obtained from, for example, PAPI_list_threads or PAPI_thread_id. @retval PAPI_ECMP This feature is unsupported on this component. @retval PAPI_EINVAL One or more of the arguments is invalid. @retval PAPI_ENOEVST The event set specified does not exist. @retval PAPI_EISRUN The event set is currently counting events. @par Examples: * int EventSet = PAPI_NULL; * unsigned long pid; * pid = fork( ); * if ( pid <= 0 ) * exit( 1 ); * if ( PAPI_create_eventset( &EventSet ) != PAPI_OK ) * exit( 1 ); * // Add Total Instructions Executed to our EventSet * if ( PAPI_add_event( EventSet, PAPI_TOT_INS ) != PAPI_OK ) * exit( 1 ); * // Attach this EventSet to the forked process * if ( PAPI_attach( EventSet, pid ) != PAPI_OK ) * exit( 1 ); * See Also: PAPI_set_opt PAPI_list_threads PAPI_thread_id PAPI_thread_init Author Generated automatically by Doxygen for PAPI from the source code. Version Tue Jun 17 2014 PAPI_attach(3)

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PAPI_detach(3)							       PAPI							    PAPI_detach(3)

PAPI_detach - Detach PAPI event set from previously specified thread id and restore to executing thread. SYNOPSIS
Detailed Description @par C Interface: int PAPI_detach( int EventSet, unsigned long tid ); PAPI_detach is a wrapper function that calls PAPI_set_opt to allow PAPI to monitor performance counts on a thread other than the one currently executing. This is sometimes referred to as third party monitoring. PAPI_attach connects the specified EventSet to the specifed thread; PAPI_detach breaks that connection and restores the EventSet to the original executing thread. @param EventSet An integer handle for a PAPI EventSet as created by PAPI_create_eventset. @param tid A thread id as obtained from, for example, PAPI_list_threads or PAPI_thread_id. @retval PAPI_ECMP This feature is unsupported on this component. @retval PAPI_EINVAL One or more of the arguments is invalid. @retval PAPI_ENOEVST The event set specified does not exist. @retval PAPI_EISRUN The event set is currently counting events. @par Examples: * int EventSet = PAPI_NULL; * unsigned long pid; * pid = fork( ); * if ( pid <= 0 ) * exit( 1 ); * if ( PAPI_create_eventset( &EventSet ) != PAPI_OK ) * exit( 1 ); * // Add Total Instructions Executed to our EventSet * if ( PAPI_add_event( EventSet, PAPI_TOT_INS ) != PAPI_OK ) * exit( 1 ); * // Attach this EventSet to the forked process * if ( PAPI_attach( EventSet, pid ) != PAPI_OK ) * exit( 1 ); * See Also: PAPI_set_opt PAPI_list_threads PAPI_thread_id PAPI_thread_init Author Generated automatically by Doxygen for PAPI from the source code. Version Tue Jun 17 2014 PAPI_detach(3)
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