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dblink_get_notify(3) [centos man page]

DBLINK_GET_NOTIFY(3)					  PostgreSQL 9.2.7 Documentation				      DBLINK_GET_NOTIFY(3)

dblink_get_notify - retrieve async notifications on a connection SYNOPSIS
dblink_get_notify() returns setof (notify_name text, be_pid int, extra text) dblink_get_notify(text connname) returns setof (notify_name text, be_pid int, extra text) DESCRIPTION
dblink_get_notify retrieves notifications on either the unnamed connection, or on a named connection if specified. To receive notifications via dblink, LISTEN must first be issued, using dblink_exec. For details see LISTEN(7) and NOTIFY(7). ARGUMENTS
conname The name of a named connection to get notifications on. RETURN VALUE
Returns setof (notify_name text, be_pid int, extra text), or an empty set if none. EXAMPLES
SELECT dblink_exec('LISTEN virtual'); dblink_exec ------------- LISTEN (1 row) SELECT * FROM dblink_get_notify(); notify_name | be_pid | extra -------------+--------+------- (0 rows) NOTIFY virtual; NOTIFY SELECT * FROM dblink_get_notify(); notify_name | be_pid | extra -------------+--------+------- virtual | 1229 | (1 row) PostgreSQL 9.2.7 2014-02-17 DBLINK_GET_NOTIFY(3)

Check Out this Related Man Page

PG_GET_NOTIFY(3)														  PG_GET_NOTIFY(3)

pg_get_notify - Gets SQL NOTIFY message

array pg_get_notify (resource $connection, [int $result_type]) DESCRIPTION
pg_get_notify(3) gets notifications generated by a NOTIFY SQL command. To receive notifications, the LISTEN SQL command must be issued. PARAMETERS
o $connection - PostgreSQL database connection resource. o $result_type - An optional parameter that controls how the returned array is indexed. $result_type is a constant and can take the following values: PGSQL_ASSOC, PGSQL_NUM and PGSQL_BOTH. Using PGSQL_NUM, pg_get_notify(3) will return an array with numerical indices, using PGSQL_ASSOC it will return only associative indices while PGSQL_BOTH, the default, will return both numerical and associa- tive indices. RETURN VALUES
An array containing the NOTIFY message name and backend PID. Otherwise if no NOTIFY is waiting, then FALSE is returned. EXAMPLES
Example #1 PostgreSQL NOTIFY message <?php $conn = pg_pconnect("dbname=publisher"); if (!$conn) { echo "An error occurred. "; exit; } // Listen 'author_updated' message from other processes pg_query($conn, 'LISTEN author_updated;'); $notify = pg_get_notify($conn); if (!$notify) { echo "No messages "; } else { print_r($notify); } ?> SEE ALSO
pg_get_pid(3). PHP Documentation Group PG_GET_NOTIFY(3)
Man Page

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