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sync(8) [bsd man page]

SYNC(8) 						      System Manager's Manual							   SYNC(8)

sync - update the super block SYNOPSIS
Sync executes the sync system primitive. Sync can be called to insure that all disk writes have been completed before the processor is halted in a way not suitably done by reboot(8) or halt(8). Generally, it is preferable to use reboot or halt to shut down the system, as they may perform additional actions such as resynchronizing the hardware clock and flushing internal caches before performing a final sync. See sync(2) for details on the system primitive. SEE ALSO
sync(2), fsync(2), halt(8), reboot(8), update(8) 4th Berkeley Distribution November 27, 1996 SYNC(8)

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SYNC(8) 						      System Manager's Manual							   SYNC(8)

sync - synchronize data on disk with memory SYNOPSYS
sync [--help] [--version] DESCRIPTION
sync writes any data buffered in memory out to disk. This can include (but is not limited to) modified superblocks, modified inodes, and delayed reads and writes. This must be implemented by the kernel; The sync program does nothing but exercise the sync(2) system call. The kernel keeps data in memory to avoid doing (relatively slow) disk reads and writes. This improves performance, but if the computer crashes, data may be lost or the filesystem corrupted as a result. sync ensures that everything in memory is written to disk. sync should be called before the processor is halted in an unusual manner (e.g., before causing a kernel panic when debugging new kernel code). In general, the processor should be halted using the shutdown(8) or reboot(8) or halt(8) commands, which will attempt to put the system in a quiescent state before calling sync(2). (Various implementations of these commands exist; consult your documentation; on some systems one should not call reboot(8) and halt(8) directly.) GNU STANDARD OPTIONS
--help Print a usage message on standard output and exit successfully. --version Print version information on standard output, then exit successfully. -- Terminate option list. ENVIRONMENT
The variables LANG, LC_ALL, LC_CTYPE, and LC_MESSAGES have the usual meaning. CONFORMING TO
On Linux, sync is only guaranteed to schedule the dirty blocks for writing; it can actually take a short time before all the blocks are finally written. The reboot(8) and halt(8) commands take this into account by sleeping for a few seconds after calling sync(2). This page describes sync as found in the fileutils-4.0 package; other versions may differ slightly. Mail corrections and additions to Report bugs in the program to SEE ALSO
sync(2), halt(8), reboot(8), update(8) GNU fileutils 4.0 1998-11 SYNC(8)
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