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reboot(8) [bsd man page]

REBOOT(8)						      System Manager's Manual							 REBOOT(8)

reboot - stopping and restarting the system SYNOPSIS
/sbin/reboot [ -lqnhdarsfRD ] /sbin/halt [ -lqndars ] /sbin/fastboot [ -lqndarsRD ] DESCRIPTION
2.11BSD is started by placing it in memory at location zero and transferring to its entry point. Since the system is not reentrant, it is necessary to read it in from disk or tape each time it is to be boot strapped. Rebooting a running system: When the system is running and a reboot is desired, shutdown(8) is normally used to stop time sharing and put the system into single user mode. If there are no users then /sbin/reboot can be used without shutting the system down first. Reboot normally causes the disks to be synced and allows the system to perform other shutdown activities such as resynchronizing hardware time-of-day clocks. A multi-user reboot (as described below) is then initiated. This causes a system to be booted and an automatic disk check to be performed. If all this succeeds without incident, the system is then brought up for multi-user operation. Options to reboot are: -l Don't try to tell syslogd(8) what's about to happen. -q Reboot quickly and ungracefully, without shutting down running processes first. -n Don't sync before rebooting. This can be used if a disk or the processor is on fire. -h Don't reboot, simply halt the processor. -d Dump memory onto the dump device, usually part of swap, before rebooting. The dump is done in the same way as after a panic. -a Have the system booter ask for the name of the system to be booted, rather than immediately booting the default system (/unix). -r Mount the root file system as read only when the system reboots. This is not supported by the kernel in 2.11BSD. -s Don't enter multi-user mode after system has rebooted - stay in single user mode. -f Fast reboot. Omit the automatic file system consistency check when the system reboots and goes multi-user. This is accomplished by passing a fast reboot flag on to the rebooting kernel. This currently prevents the use of -f flag in conjunction with the -h (halt) flag. -D Set the autoconfig(8) debug flag. This is normally not used unless one is debugging the autoconfig program. -R Tells the kernel to use the compiled in root device. Normally the system uses the device from which it was booted as the root/swap/pipe/dump device. Reboot normally places a shutdown record in the login accounting file /usr/adm/wtmp. This is inhibited if the -q or -n options are present. Note that the -f (fast reboot) and -n (don't sync) options are contradictory; the request for a fast reboot is ignored in this case. Halt and fastboot are synonymous with ``reboot -h'' and ``reboot -f'', respectively. Power fail and crash recovery: Normally, the system will reboot itself at power-up or after crashes if the contents of low memory are intact. An automatic consistency check of the file systems will be performed, and unless this fails, the system will resume multi-user operations. SEE ALSO
autoconfig(8), sync(2), utmp(8), shutdown(8), syslogd(8) 3rd Berkeley Distribution May 24, 1996 REBOOT(8)

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reboot(8)						      System Manager's Manual							 reboot(8)

reboot - Restarts the machine SYNOPSIS
/usr/sbin/reboot [-dlnq] DESCRIPTION
When the system is running and multiple users are logged in, use the shutdown -r command to perform a reboot operation. If no users are logged in, use the reboot command. The reboot command normally stops all running processes, syncs the disks, logs the reboot, and writes a shutdown entry in the login accounting file, /var/adm/wtmp. The reboot command uses the sync call to synchronize the disks, and to perform other shutdown activities such as resynchronizing the hard- ware time-of-day clock. After these activities, the system reboots. By default, the system starts and the file systems are automatically checked. If the start-up activities are successful, the system comes up in the default run-level. You must have root privileges to use this command. Using the -n flag can result in file system damage. FLAGS
Generates a crash dump of the system before halting it. Can be used with any of the other flags. Does not log the reboot using syslog Does not sync the disks or log the reboot using syslog Performs a quick reboot without first shutting down running processes; does not log the reboot using syslog EXAMPLES
To enable the default reboot action, enter: reboot This command causes the system to stop all running processes, sync the disks, log the shutdown, and perform other routine shutdown and reboot activities. To shut down the system without logging the reboot, enter: reboot -l This command shuts down the system and performs all shutdown and reboot activities, except logging the shutdown. To reboot the system abruptly, enter: reboot -q This command reboots the system abruptly without shutting down running processes. FILES
Specifies the command path Specifies the login accounting file Specifies the path of the syslog daemon RELATED INFORMATION
Commands: fsck(8), halt(8), init(8), savecore(8) shutdown(8), syslogd(8) Functions: reboot(2), sync(2), syslog(3) delim off reboot(8)
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