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restor(8) [bsd man page]

RESTOR(8)						      System Manager's Manual							 RESTOR(8)

restor - incremental file system restore SYNOPSIS
restor key [ argument ... ] DESCRIPTION
Restor is used to read magtapes dumped with the dump command. The key specifies what is to be done. Key is one of the characters rRxt optionally combined with f. f Use the first argument as the name of the tape instead of the default. r or R The tape is read and loaded into the file system specified in argument. This should not be done lightly (see below). If the key is R restor asks which tape of a multi volume set to start on. This allows restor to be interrupted and then restarted (an icheck -s must be done before restarting ). x Each file on the tape named by an argument is extracted. The file name has all `mount' prefixes removed; for example, /usr/bin/lpr is named /bin/lpr on the tape. The file extracted is placed in a file with a numeric name supplied by restor (actually the inode number). In order to keep the amount of tape read to a minimum, the following procedure is recommended: Mount volume 1 of the set of dump tapes. Type the restor command. Restor will announce whether or not it found the files, give the number it will name the file, and rewind the tape. It then asks you to `mount the desired tape volume'. Type the number of the volume you choose. On a multivolume dump the recom- mended procedure is to mount the last through the first volume in that order. Restor checks to see if any of the files requested are on the mounted tape (or a later tape, thus the reverse order) and doesn't read through the tape if no files are. If you are working with a single volume dump or the number of files being restored is large, respond to the query with `1' and restor will read the tapes in sequential order. If you have a hierarchy to restore you can use dumpdir(8) to produce the list of names and a shell script to move the resulting files to their homes. t Print the date the tape was written and the date the file system was dumped from. The r option should only be used to restore a complete dump tape onto a clear file system or to restore an incremental dump tape onto this. Thus mkfs /dev/hp0a 4807 restor r /dev/hp0a is a typical sequence to restore a complete dump. Another restor can be done to get an incremental dump in on top of this. A dump followed by a mkfs and a restor is used to change the size of a file system. FILES
/dev/rmt1 default file name rst* temporary files SEE ALSO
dump(8), dumpdir(8), mkfs(8) DIAGNOSTICS
There are various diagnostics involved with reading the tape and writing the disk. There are also diagnostics if the i-list or the free list of the file system is not large enough to hold the dump. If the dump extends over more than one tape, it may ask you to change tapes. Reply with a newline when the next tape has been mounted. Dump tapes made before the new ondisc directory structure will be converted automatically by restor . BUGS
There is redundant information on the tape that could be used in case of tape reading problems. Unfortunately, restor does't use it. 3rd Berkeley Distribution RESTOR(8)

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READ_TAPE(8)						       AFS Command Reference						      READ_TAPE(8)

read_tape - Reads volume dumps from a backup tape to a file SYNOPSIS
read_tape -tape <tape device> -restore <# of volumes to restore> -skip <# of volumes to skip> -file <filename> [-scan] [-noask] [-label] [-vheaders] [-verbose] [-help] DESCRIPTION
read_tape reads an OpenAFS backup tape and prompts for each dump file to save. This command does not require any OpenAFS infrastructure. This command does not need an OpenAFS client or server to be available, which is not the case with the backup(8) command. The dump files will be named for the Read/Write name of the volume restored. After saving each dump file, vos restore or restorevol can be used to restore the volume into AFS and non-AFS space respectively. read_tape reads the tape while skipping the specified number of volumes. After that, it restores the specified number of volumes. read_tape doesn't rewind the tape so that it may be used multiple times in succession. OPTIONS
-tape <tape device> Specifies the tape device from which to restore. -restore <# of volumes to restore> Specifies the number of volumes to restore from tape. -skip <# of volumes to skip> Specifies the number of volumes to skip before starting the restore. -file <filename> Specifies an alternate name for the restored volume dump file rather than the default of the volume name. -scan Scans the tape. -noask Doesn't prompt for each volume. -label Displays the full dump label. -vheaders Displays the full volume headers. -verbose Produces on the standard output stream a detailed trace of the command's execution. If this argument is omitted, only warnings and error messages appear. -help Prints the online help for this command. All other valid options are ignored. EXAMPLES
The following command will read the third through fifth volumes from the tape device /dev/tape without prompting: % read_tape -tape /dev/tape -skip 2 -restore 3 -noask PRIVILEGE REQUIRED
The issuer must have access to read and write to the specified tape device. SEE ALSO
backup(8), restorevol(1), vos_restore(1) COPYRIGHT
Copyright 2007 Jason Edgecombe <> This documentation is covered by the BSD License as written in the doc/LICENSE file. This man page was written by Jason Edgecombe for OpenAFS. OpenAFS 2012-03-26 READ_TAPE(8)
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