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nfaccess(8) [bsd man page]

NFACCESS(8)						      System Manager's Manual						       NFACCESS(8)

nfaccess - Add access rights to a set of Notesfiles SYNOPSIS
nfaccess access-right topic [ topic ... ] DESCRIPTION
Nfaccess simplifies the task of adding an access-right to many notesfiles. The function is somewhat analagous to that of chmod(1). The access-right specifies a user, group or system and the permissions to be granted. The format is: <access-right> ::= [<type>:]name=<mode> <type> ::= {User, user, Group, group, System, system} <mode> ::= {d, r, w, a, n}+ The type specification can be omitted; when it is omitted, the name is assumed to be a user. The mode is additive. A mode of ``rw'' spec- ifies read and write. The ``n'' mode specifies null access. The new access right is inserted in each specified notesfiles access list. If the user/group/system already has an entry, the old entry is replaced with the new entry. All users are allowed to run this program. The changes are only applied to notesfiles for which the executing user is a director. This program lives in the notesfile utility directory, typically ``/usr/spool/notes/.utilities''. To automatically add specific access-rights to newly created notesfiles, the file ``/usr/spool/notes/.utilities/access-template'' is use- ful. If it exists, the file contains lines of acces-rights which are added to each notesfile as it is created. If several people share the administration of the notesfile system, each can be added to the access-lists of newly created notesfiles by placing appropriate lines in this file. EXAMPLES
nfaccess essick=drw /usr/spool/notes/* nfaccess group:srg=rw this that other nfaccess user:kolstad=rw mynotes In the first example, user `essick' is given director/read/write access to all the notesfiles in /usr/spool/notes. Any permissions (or restrictions) he might have had before are overridden. The second example gives group `srg' read/write access to notesfiles `this', `that' and `other'. In the final example, user `kolstad' is given read/write access to the notesfile `mynotes'. BUGS
Entries can not be removed from the access list with this program. Entries can not merely be augmented (``just add write permission'') with this program. FILES
/etc/passwd for the users name /etc/group for the users group /usr/spool/notes the default notesfile data base SEE ALSO
mknf(8), notes(1), nfcomment(3), The Notesfile Reference Manual AUTHORS
Ray Essick (uiucdcs!essick, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Urbana, IL University of Illinois NFACCESS(8)

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MKNF(8) 						      System Manager's Manual							   MKNF(8)

mknf, rmnf - create and delete notesfiles SYNOPSIS
mknf [ -aon ] topic [ ... ] rmnf [ -f ] topic [ ... ] DESCRIPTION
Mknf and rmnf create and delete notesfiles respectively. The same parameters apply for each: the `topic' is the name that the notesfile is known by. As mknf processes its arguments, creating new notesfiles, the name of each new notesfile is echoed to the terminal. The new notesfiles are closed and the notesfile owner is made the sole director. He customarily turns control over to the user requesting the notesfile by making that person a director. The -aon options apply to mknf only. They signify that the notesfiles created are to permit anonymous notes, be open, and be networked respectively. If the file `/usr/spool/notes/.utilities/access-template' is present, it contains a list of access-rights which are added to the created notesfile. The file contains lines of access-rights similar to those used in the nfaccess(8) command. In environments with dynamic cre- ation of notesfiles, such as on USENET nodes, one or more users can automatically be made directors of all new notesfiles. If appropriate, they can be removed from the access list of newly created notesfiles as needed. Rmnf asks for verification of each notesfile before deleting it. The notesfile is deleted if the response line begins with a `y'. If invoked with the -f option, rmnf does not ask for verification before deleting the notesfiles. Only the notesfile owner is allowed to run mknf and rmnf. BUGS
Rmnf doesn't understand about absolute pathnames for notesfiles. It refuses to remove notesfiles specified by absolute pathnames. Any user should be allowed to create private notesfiles in directories where he has permission. FILES
/usr/spool/notes/.utilities where these programs live. /usr/spool/notes/.utilities/access-template Default access-list. /usr/spool/notes Default notesfile directory. SEE ALSO
nfaccess(8), nfxmit(8), notes(1), The Notesfile Reference Manual AUTHORS
Ray Essick (uiucdcs!essick, Department of Computer Science University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Urbana, IL Rob Kolstad (kolstad@convex.UUCP) CONVEX Computer Corporation Richardson, TX University of Illinois MKNF(8)
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