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tm(4) [bsd man page]

TM(4)							     Kernel Interfaces Manual							     TM(4)

tm - TM-11/TE-10 magtape interface SYNOPSIS
/sys/conf/SYSTEM: # Setting AVIVTM configures the TM driver for the AVIV 800/1600/6250 # controller. For more details, see /sys/pdpuba/tm.c. NTM tm_drives # TM11 AVIVTM YES # AVIV 800/1600/6250 controller /etc/dtab: #Name Unit# Addr Vector Br Handler(s) # Comments tm ? 172520 224 5 tmintr # tm11 driver major device number(s): raw: 7 block: 1 minor device encoding: bits 0003 specify TS drive bit 0004 specifies no-rewind operation bits 0030 specify recording density: 0000: 800BPI 0010: 1600BPI (AVIVTM and some other controllers) 0020: 6250BPI (AVIVTM only) DESCRIPTION
The tm-11/te-10 combination provides a standard tape drive interface as described in mtio(4). The standard DEC tm-11 operates only at 800 bpi. Other controllers of this type may also allow operation at 1600 bpi, under software control or by switching manually. FILES
/dev/MAKEDEV script to create special files /dev/MAKEDEV.local script to localize special files SEE ALSO
mt(1), tar(1), tp(1), mtio(4), ht(4), ts(4), mt(4), dtab(5), autoconfig(8) DIAGNOSTICS
te%d: no write ring. An attempt was made to write on the tape drive when no write ring was present; this message is written on the termi- nal of the user who tried to access the tape. te%d: not online. An attempt was made to access the tape while it was offline; this message is written on the terminal of the user who tried to access the tape. te%d: can't change density in mid-tape. An attempt was made to write on a tape at a different density than is already recorded on the tape. This message is written on the terminal of the user who tried to switch the density. te%d: hard error bn%d er=%b. A tape error occurred at block bn; the tm error register is printed in octal with the bits symbolically decoded. Any error is fatal on non-raw tape; when possible the driver will have retried the operation which failed several times before reporting the error. te%d: lost interrupt. A tape operation did not complete within a reasonable time, most likely because the tape was taken off-line during rewind or lost vacuum. The controller should, but does not, give an interrupt in these cases. The device will be made available again after this message, but any current open reference to the device will return an error as the operation in progress aborts. BUGS
If any non-data error is encountered on non-raw tape, it refuses to do anything more until closed. 3rd Berkeley Distribution January 28, 1988 TM(4)

Check Out this Related Man Page

MT(1)							      General Commands Manual							     MT(1)

mt - magnetic tape manipulating program SYNOPSIS
mt [ -f tapename ] command [ count ] DESCRIPTION
Mt is used to give commands to a magnetic tape drive. If a tape name is not specified, the environment variable TAPE is used; if TAPE does not exist, mt uses the device /dev/rmt12. Note that tapename must reference a raw (not block) tape device. By default mt performs the requested operation once. Operations may be performed multiple times by specifying count. The available commands are listed below. Only as many characters as are required to uniquely identify a command need be specified. eof, weof Write count end-of-file marks at the current position on the tape. fsf Forward space count files. fsr Forward space count records. bsf Back space count files. bsr Back space count records. rewind Rewind the tape (Count is ignored). offline, rewoffl Rewind the tape and place the tape unit off-line (Count is ignored). status Print status information about the tape unit. cacheon Enable the readahead/writebehind cache on the tape unit. cacheoff Turn off the readahead/writebehind cache on the tape unit. Mt returns a 0 exit status when the operation(s) were successful, 1 if the command was unrecognized, and 2 if an operation failed. The cacheon and cacheoff commands currently only apply to the TMSCP driver and then only for certain drives such as the TU81+. No error is produced by the TMSCP driver if the cache commands are used. Other drivers will return an error code since they do not recognize the MTCACHE and MTNOCACHE functions codes. See mtio(4). FILES
/dev/rmt* Raw magnetic tape interface SEE ALSO
mtio(4), tmscp(4), dd(1), ioctl(2), environ(7) 4th Berkeley Distribution December 22, 1995 MT(1)
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