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fclose(3s) [bsd man page]

FCLOSE(3S)																FCLOSE(3S)

fclose, fflush - close or flush a stream SYNOPSIS
#include <stdio.h> fclose(stream) FILE *stream; fflush(stream) FILE *stream; DESCRIPTION
Fclose causes any buffers for the named stream to be emptied, and the file to be closed. Buffers allocated by the standard input/output system are freed. Fclose is performed automatically upon calling exit(3). Fflush causes any buffered data for the named output stream to be written to that file. The stream remains open. SEE ALSO
close(2), fopen(3S), setbuf(3S) DIAGNOSTICS
These routines return EOF if stream is not associated with an output file, or if buffered data cannot be transferred to that file. 7th Edition May 15, 1985 FCLOSE(3S)

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FCLOSE(3)						   BSD Library Functions Manual 						 FCLOSE(3)

fclose -- close a stream LIBRARY
Standard C Library (libc, -lc) SYNOPSIS
#include <stdio.h> int fclose(FILE *stream); DESCRIPTION
The fclose() function dissociates the named stream from its underlying file or set of functions. If the stream was being used for output, any buffered data is written first, using fflush(3). RETURN VALUES
Upon successful completion 0 is returned. Otherwise, EOF is returned and the global variable errno is set to indicate the error. In either case no further access to the stream is possible. ERRORS
[EBADF] The argument stream is not an open stream. The fclose() function may also fail and set errno for any of the errors specified for the routines close(2) or fflush(3). SEE ALSO
close(2), fflush(3), fopen(3), setbuf(3) STANDARDS
The fclose() function conforms to ANSI X3.159-1989 (``ANSI C89''). BSD
June 4, 1993 BSD
Man Page