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sethostname(2) [bsd man page]

GETHOSTNAME(2)							System Calls Manual						    GETHOSTNAME(2)

gethostname, sethostname - get/set name of current host SYNOPSIS
gethostname(name, namelen) char *name; int namelen; sethostname(name, namelen) char *name; int namelen; DESCRIPTION
Gethostname returns the standard host name for the current processor, as previously set by sethostname. The parameter namelen specifies the size of the name array. The returned name is null-terminated unless insufficient space is provided. Sethostname sets the name of the host machine to be name, which has length namelen. This call is restricted to the super-user and is nor- mally used only when the system is bootstrapped. RETURN VALUE
If the call succeeds a value of 0 is returned. If the call fails, then a value of -1 is returned and an error code is placed in the global location errno. ERRORS
The following errors may be returned by these calls: [EFAULT] The name or namelen parameter gave an invalid address. [EPERM] The caller tried to set the hostname and was not the super-user. SEE ALSO
gethostid(2) BUGS
Host names are limited to MAXHOSTNAMELEN (from <sys/param.h>) characters, currently 64. 4.2 Berkeley Distribution May 22, 1986 GETHOSTNAME(2)

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gethostname(2)							System Calls Manual						    gethostname(2)

       gethostname, sethostname - get or set the name of the current host

       gethostname(name, namelen)
       char *name;
       int namelen;

       sethostname(name, namelen)
       char *name;
       int namelen;

       The  system call returns the standard host name for the current processor, as previously set by The namelen parameter specifies the size of
       the name array.	The returned name is null-terminated unless insufficient space is provided.

       The system call sets the name of the host machine to be name, which has length namelen.	This call is restricted to the	superuser  and	is
       normally used only when the system is bootstrapped.

Return Values
	0   If the call succeeds, it returns a value of zero.

       -1   If the call fails, a value of -1 is returned and an error code is placed in the global location, errno.

       Host  names  are  limited to 31 characters and may contain only lower case ASCII characters a to z, numbers 0 to 9, dashes (-), underscores
       (_), and periods (.).

       The system call fails under the following condition:

       [EFAULT]       The name parameter points outside the process's allocated address space.

       The system call fails under the following conditions:

       [EPERM]	      The caller is not the superuser.

       [EINVAL]       The name or namelen parameter is an invalid address.

See Also
       hostname(1), gethostid(2)

Man Page

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