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binmail(1) [bsd man page]

BINMAIL(1)						      General Commands Manual							BINMAIL(1)

binmail - send or receive mail among users SYNOPSIS
/bin/mail [ + ] [ -i ] [ person ] ... /bin/mail [ + ] [ -i ] -f file DESCRIPTION
Note: This is the old version 7 UNIX system mail program. The default mail command is described in Mail(1), and its binary is in the directory /usr/ucb. mail with no argument prints a user's mail, message-by-message, in last-in, first-out order; the optional argument + displays the mail mes- sages in first-in, first-out order. For each message, it reads a line from the standard input to direct disposition of the message. newline Go on to next message. d Delete message and go on to the next. p Print message again. - Go back to previous message. s [ file ] ... Save the message in the named files (`mbox' default). w [ file ] ... Save the message, without a header, in the named files (`mbox' default). m [ person ] ... Mail the message to the named persons (yourself is default). EOT (control-D) Put unexamined mail back in the mailbox and stop. q Same as EOT. !command Escape to the Shell to do command. * Print a command summary. An interrupt normally terminates the mail command; the mail file is unchanged. The optional argument -i tells mail to continue after interrupts. When persons are named, mail takes the standard input up to an end-of-file (or a line with just `.') and adds it to each person's `mail' file. The message is preceded by the sender's name and a postmark. Lines that look like postmarks are prepended with `>'. A person is usually a user name recognized by login(1). To denote a recipient on a remote system, prefix person by the system name and exclamation mark (see uucp(1C)). The -f option causes the named file, for example, `mbox', to be printed as if it were the mail file. When a user logs in he is informed of the presence of mail. FILES
/etc/passwd to identify sender and locate persons /usr/spool/mail/* incoming mail for user * mbox saved mail /tmp/ma* temp file /usr/spool/mail/*.lock lock for mail directory dead.letter unmailable text SEE ALSO
Mail(1), write(1), uucp(1C), uux(1C), xsend(1), sendmail(8) BUGS
Race conditions sometimes result in a failure to remove a lock file. Normally anybody can read your mail, unless it is sent by xsend(1). An installation can overcome this by making mail a set-user-id command that owns the mail directory. 7th Edition April 29, 1985 BINMAIL(1)

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MAIL(1) 						      General Commands Manual							   MAIL(1)

mail - send and receive electronic mail SYNOPSIS
mail [-dpqrv] [-f file] [user] OPTIONS
-d Force use of the shell variable MAILER -f Use file instead of /usr/spool/mail/user as mailbox -p Print all mail and then exit -q Quit program if SIGINT received -r Reverse print order, i.e., print oldest first -v Verbose mode EXAMPLES
mail ast # Send a message to ast mail # Read your mail DESCRIPTION
Mail is an extremely simple electronic mail program. It can be used to send or receive email on a single MINIX system, in which case it functions as user agent and local delivery agent. If the flag MAILER is defined in mail.c, it can also call a transport agent to handle remote mail as well. No such agent is supplied with MINIX. When called by user with no arguments, it examines the mailbox /usr/spool/mail/user, prints one message (depending on the -r flag), and waits for one of the following commands: <newline> Go to the next message - Print the previous message !command Fork off a shell and execute command CTRL-D Update the mailbox and quit (same as q) d Delete the current message and go to the next one q Update the mailbox and quit (same as CTRL-D) p Print the current message again s [file] Save message in the named file x Exit without updating the mailbox To send mail, the program is called with the name of the recipient as an argument. The mail is sent, along with a postmark line containing the date. For local delivery, a file named after the recipient in the directory /usr/spool/mail must be writable. If the directory /usr/spool/mail does not exist then the mail is dumped on the console, so that system programs have a way to notify a user on a system that does not have a mail spool. MAIL(1)
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