Error while booting

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Operating Systems Linux Error while booting
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Old 10-05-2007
Error while booting


We have system 'red hat 9'. While booting I m getting error
"INIT: Id "X" respawning too fast: disabled for 5 minutes"

Can anybody help to solve this problem.
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pbuilder-uml.conf(5)						     pbuilder						      pbuilder-uml.conf(5)

pbuilder-uml.conf - configuration file for user-mode-linux port of pbuilder DESCRIPTION
/etc/pbuilder/pbuilder-uml.conf contains default values used in pbuilder-user-mode-linux program invocation. FORMAT
MY_ETH0=tuntap,,, Configures ethernet setting used for booting linux. See how rootstrap boots your system, and copy that. Specify --eth0=slirp,12345,/usr/bin/slirp-fullbolt to use the slirp connection. UML_IP= IP address to use for guest OS. This can be set to dhcp for obtaining IP address through DHCP. UML_NETMASK= Guest OS netmask UML_NETWORK= Guest OS network UML_BROADCAST= Guest OS broadcast UML_GATEWAY= Guest OS gateway PBUILDER_UML_IMAGE=${HOME}/uml-image Guest OS file system image. UML_MOUNT_TMPFS=no Whether to mount tmpfs inside the guest image. This is probably mostly useless. BUILDPLACE=${HOME}/tmp/ The location which build will take place. pbuilder-user-mode-linux will place temporary COW files to there. The user running UML needs to be able to access that directory. UML_MEM=128 The amount of memory allowed for UML. Give more value to here. UML_HOSTNAME=uml-host The hostname for the UML. The hostname should be available in /etc/hosts so that hostname -f will be able to return the FQDN. UML_BUILDRESULT=/directory/of/build/result The directory where build result of pbuilder-user-mode-linux is stored. ROOTSTRAP_IMAGESIZE=size-in-megabytes The size, in MB, of the disk iamge to create. Defaults to 1000. NOTES
It is advised to set APTCACHEHARDLINK to no in ~/.pbuilderrc. see pbuilderrc(5) for details. AUTHOR
Initial coding, and main maintenance is done by Junichi Uekawa <>. The homepage is available at FILES
/etc/pbuilder/pbuilder-uml.conf, ${HOME}/.pbuilderrc SEE ALSO
/usr/share/doc/pbuilder/pbuilder-doc.html, pbuilder-user-mode-linux(1), pbuilder(8), pbuilderrc(5), pdebuild(1) Debian 2003 Jan 8 pbuilder-uml.conf(5)