Grep the ip to a text file

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Operating Systems Linux Grep the ip to a text file
# 1  
Old 02-18-2014
Linux [Solved] Grep the ip to a text file

Hi all,

We Have Squid server, We need to get the particular IP's log from /var/log/squid/access.log, if i need to get only the log's of, How can i get the log's to a separate file.

Here is the sample log what i have got from access.log file

1392706763.690    847 TCP_MISS/204 373 GET - DIRECT/ -
1392706763.840    837 TCP_MISS/200 2518 GET - DIRECT/ application/javascript
1392706729.262      0 TCP_IMS_HIT/304 339 GET - NONE/- text/javascript
1392706764.016      0 TCP_IMS_HIT/304 435 GET - NONE/- text/css
1392706713.330    250 TCP_MISS/204 524 GET - DIRECT/ text/html

# 2  
Old 02-18-2014
There appear to be two IP addresses on many lines in this file. Am I correct in assuming that you only want to look for the IP address surrounded by spaces and not the ones following DIRECT/? If that is what you want try:
grep -F ' ' access.log

This User Gave Thanks to Don Cragun For This Post:
# 3  
Old 02-19-2014

yes i want the local ip range which was start with 192.168.0. series , ok let me try and you will came to know about my result , thank you.

---------- Post updated 02-19-14 at 10:00 AM ---------- Previous update was 02-18-14 at 07:09 PM ----------

Originally Posted by Don Cragun
There appear to be two IP addresses on many lines in this file. Am I correct in assuming that you only want to look for the IP address surrounded by spaces and not the ones following DIRECT/? If that is what you want try:
grep -F ' ' access.log

your Guide Work's Perfectly thanks sir, I used

grep -F '' /var/log/squid/access.log >> /home/sysadmin/babinlonston/squid.txt

Last edited by Don Cragun; 02-19-2014 at 01:33 AM.. Reason: Add CODE tags.
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