Solaris Documentation Vs. Linux Documenation!

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Operating Systems Linux Solaris Documentation Vs. Linux Documenation!
# 1  
Old 09-11-2011
Solaris Documentation Vs. Linux Documenation!

Hi friends,
I have just installed Solaris 11, and I am really impressed by the huge amount of documenation that's available on Oracle's website regarding Solaris. It is very organized, in pdf format, and it really discusses every aspect of Solaris. And the best part of it is that it is absolutely free of cost.
I was wondering whether such documentation is provided by different linux vendors, such organized and thorough!
Looking forward to your wonderful and helpful replies.
Thanks in advance!
# 2  
Old 09-11-2011
RedHat and Novell are aslo good source for official docs for Linux distros.
# 3  
Old 09-11-2011
Documentation is going to vary from distribution to distribution. Generally speaking, there will of course be the core documentation (provided you have it installed - some distributions do not install documentation by default) which comes with the GNU utilities that make up the OS. You typically would read this documentation via the man pages, though some prefer the GNU info pages as well. For example, if I want to know what the -v option for pkill does (a good thing to know, by the way), I would look at the pkill (1) man page. These man pages, which document utilities generally used on on all Linux systems, will be more or less consistent. On the other hand, distribution specific details may or may not be well documented. Not much you can do about this - as it is up to those who put the distribution together.
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