Migration from solaris to linux

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Operating Systems Linux Migration from solaris to linux
# 1  
Old 08-30-2011
Question Migration from solaris to linux


Currently I can able to access php script from solaris. I want to access from Linux
I have done the following things:

1) I have copied all the scripts from solaris to linux.
2) I have installed php,mysql,apache.

I tried with http://Hostname/username/test.php . This is not working . Please guild me

For Example:

If i try : http://Solaris Host Name/ then its look like good.

If i try : http://Linux Host Name / then its show page can not be displayed .

Please guild me where am i wrong ?

# 2  
Old 08-30-2011
You need to set up your a web server i.e Apache webserver it seems to be not installed or even started .
# 3  
Old 08-30-2011
No, See the output

httpd (pid 15925) is running...
# 4  
Old 08-30-2011
What I understand is, you wanted to run apache/php from linux machine, which is currently running fine from solaris machine. Is that so?

Now, shooting in blind, there may couple of problems/queries:
1. Are you trying to access from same host or from some other desktop?
2. Can you check if "Linux" is getting resolved from your desktop? Go to Run->cmd-> nslookup Linux. Also check for nslookup Solaris. If both are getting resolved then your DNS settings are working fine.
3. Can you check if apache process is running? Port 80 is in listening mode or not?
 ps -ef | grep httpd 
netstat -an | grep "80"

4. Did you copy files to proper DocumentRoot?
And a lot more!!!!

In short, please understand and check basic configuration and reply if still have problems.
# 5  
Old 08-30-2011
1. Are you trying to access from same host or from some other desktop?
Ans : I am using different host name
2 Can you check if "Linux" is getting resolved from your desktop? Go to Run->cmd-> nslookup Linux. Also check for nslookup Solaris. If both are getting resolved then your DNS settings are working fine.
Ans : Its showing Name and address for both of them(Linux/Solaris).

3. Can you check if apache process is running? Port 80 is in listening mode or not?
Ans: I have used both the comments that was working fine.

4. Did you copy files to proper DocumentRoot?
Ans : I have copied the all files properly.

Any guild lines appreciable .
# 6  
Old 08-30-2011
Okay , Try to put an index.htm or index.html in your root directory of the web server
with following code.
and try to call web server in webbroser from localhost and from the other machine by IP.
If it works then your webserver is running very well all you need is to configure Apache and php to integrate

PHP Code:
It Works,
h1>It Works,</h1>
# 7  
Old 09-01-2011
Hi, Sorry for late response

I have checked both server like below

Solaris : http://Hostname/test.html --> its show about php config details.
Linux : http://Hostname/test.html -- > its shows Page can not be found.

Note: I dont know that where that test.html file.

Please advice.

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