What are the benchmark programs for Message passing?

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UNIX Standards and Benchmarks UNIX & LINUX Benchmarks (Version 3.11) Linux Benchmarks What are the benchmark programs for Message passing?
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Old 10-26-2007
What are the benchmark programs for Message passing?

Is there any benchmark programs for Message Passing like SPLASH-2 for Shared Memory.
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Log::Message::Config(3pm)				 Perl Programmers Reference Guide				 Log::Message::Config(3pm)

Log::Message::Config - Configuration options for Log::Message SYNOPSIS
# This module is implicitly used by Log::Message to create a config # which it uses to log messages. # For the options you can pass, see the C<Log::Message new()> method. # Below is a sample of a config file you could use # comments are denoted by a single '#' # use a shared stack, or have a private instance? # if none provided, set to '0', private = 1 # do not be verbose verbose = 0 # default tag to set on new items # if none provided, set to 'NONE' tag = SOME TAG # default level to handle items # if none provided, set to 'log' level = carp # extra files to include # if none provided, no files are auto included include = mylib.pl include = ../my/other/lib.pl # automatically delete items # when you retrieve them from the stack? # if none provided, set to '0' remove = 1 # retrieve errors in chronological order, or not? # if none provided, set to '1' chrono = 0 DESCRIPTION
Log::Message::Config provides a standardized config object for Log::Message objects. It can either read options as perl arguments, or as a config file. See the Log::Message manpage for more information about what arguments are valid, and see the Synopsis for an example config file you can use SEE ALSO
Log::Message, Log::Message::Item, Log::Message::Handlers AUTHOR
This module by Jos Boumans <kane@cpan.org>. Acknowledgements Thanks to Ann Barcomb for her suggestions. COPYRIGHT
This module is copyright (c) 2002 Jos Boumans <kane@cpan.org>. All rights reserved. This library is free software; you may redistribute and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. perl v5.18.2 2014-01-06 Log::Message::Config(3pm)