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Special Forums IP Networking UNIX & WINDOW
# 1  
Old 01-29-2001
Is there any way that I could invoke a Win NT application in a UNIX environment?

Needed to do this to direct the output of an Win NT application to a UNIX program, and then back again. Furthermore, because there's a large amount of processing to be done, it will be great if I could do this through UNIX scripts.

I know this sounds quite impossible... no harm asking Smilie

UNIX environment: SGI Origin running IRIX 6.5
WIN environemnt : Intel PC running WIN NT & WIN 2K
# 2  
Old 01-30-2001

Wine is an implementation of the Windows 3.x and Win32 APIs on top of X and Unix. Think of Wine as a Windows compatibility layer. Wine provides both a development toolkit (Winelib) for porting Windows sources to Unix and a program loader, allowing unmodified Windows 3.1/95/NT binaries to run under Intel Unixes. Wine works on most popular Intel Unixes, including Linux, FreeBSD, and Solaris.

Wine does not require Microsoft Windows, as it is a completely alternative implementation consisting of 100% Microsoft-free code, but it can optionally use native system DLLs if they are available. Wine comes with complete sources, documentation and examples and is freely redistributable. (The licensing terms are similar to X11.)

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