what can i use to network between windows and solaris.

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# 1  
Old 10-29-2001
Question what can i use to network between windows and solaris.

i tring to file share between microsoft and sun solaris, i heard of samba but what can i do with it.. is it easy to use or to understand, where can i get the software, any information will be a great help.. thanks
# 2  
Old 10-29-2001
Hi there.

Samba allows you to share your UNIX filesystem to a Microsoft machine as well as print services on the UNIX box.

Checkout http://www.samba.org/ for downloads/info.
# 3  
Old 10-31-2001
after you download and install it, you may need some quick, easy info. check out this site which helped me a lot. just ignore the mandrake specific installation instructions, the configuration is the same on all unices.

# 4  
Old 10-31-2001

You might even want to look at Oreilly's Samba book, it's pretty good.

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