Like Jim says, the main purpose would be security enforcement. It is very typical for an application to make use of a web server, an application server, and a database server. The Web server is obviously open on ports 80 and 443, and accessible from the internet. Web server may talk to the application server via, say DCOM, which by default used UDP ports 1024-5000. Lastly, the application server may talk to the Database server using SQL on TCP port 1433.
Ideally these servers would all talk to each other through a firewall, which can perform L3 - L7 application filtering and enforcement. So your firewall would have a leg in all 3 VLANS, and all traffic between the servers would be forced through the firewall. With things like virtual firewalls becoming more common things are becoming more and more complex in the DC. For example, the web, application and db server may all reside on the same physical host in a virtualised environment, so then you need to start thinking about things like 802.1q trunking etc, but that's another discussion