10 More Discussions You Might Find Interesting
1. Red Hat
Dear All ,
Very recently we have configured Network bonding in our Linux Server Redhat Linux 5.x.
After configuring , we restarted the network services , the link was down after that , we could not login in to the Server.
So after that , we logged in to console and tried to... (2 Replies)
Discussion started by: jegaraman
2 Replies
2. Red Hat
I have one production system where my customized application runs.The applications require seamless network connectivity with different machines connected in LAN and WAN. As these applications are very critical, it is very much required to have a seamless network activity.The applications are... (4 Replies)
Discussion started by: Anjan Ganguly
4 Replies
3. IP Networking
HI all,
First post on the forum, and my first proper project on the Paspberry Pi, so sorry if this is in the wrong place.
I am trying to turn my Pi in to a 3G/4G Bonding router. I have been researching and trying this for a week or so now. The basic plan is to have up to 6 ZTE MF823 USB... (0 Replies)
Discussion started by: elliottlc
0 Replies
4. Red Hat
Does anyone know if it's possible to bond two bonds together? My situation is I have two older Cisco switches that cannot carry a LACP (bond level 4) aggregated between them, but separate aggregates can be setup on the switches themselves. In order to have redundancy of two switches I would... (0 Replies)
Discussion started by: christr
0 Replies
5. Red Hat
I am new to linux. I have a falconstor CDP installation which runs on RHEL 5.5 (Tikanga). There is a vendor option to bond nics in either 802.3ad or round robin, I choose 802.3ad. The server is connected to a Cisco 3750 switch.
The problem is dropped packets and eth03 wont come up in the PO... (0 Replies)
Discussion started by: tjcooper
0 Replies
6. Linux
I need to enable Ethernet Bonding on three systems, connected together via switch. What I tried ended up with failure, slaves cannot be detected n added to bon0.
Here's what I did:
created file /etc/modprobe.d/bonding.d and added the following to it:
alias bond0 bonding
options bonding... (2 Replies)
Discussion started by: dr_mabuse
2 Replies
7. Red Hat
What is IP bonding in Linux.
What are its advantages
How to create a IP bonding in redhat Linux. (1 Reply)
Discussion started by: chetansingh23
1 Replies
8. IP Networking
I’m familiar with load balancing.. but Is it possible to actually bond multiple DSL lines together? I hear of ways to bond using MLPPP but that requires support from an ISP. Is there a way to actually bond without support from my ISP, or use say a cable modem and a DSL line together for faster... (0 Replies)
Discussion started by: harley313
0 Replies
9. HP-UX
userA and userB are two non-root accounts on HP-UX box. userA creates ssh tunnel (local forward) to some different host. Will userB be able to use that tunnel? What about remote forward? If not, what OS mechanism will prevent it from happening? Unfortunately I am unable to create this setup at this... (0 Replies)
Discussion started by: vkleban
0 Replies
10. UNIX for Advanced & Expert Users
Here is the scenario:
I use an OpenBSD 2.9 box as my firewall and gateway at the house. One of the boxes behind my OpenBSD box is my FreeBSDBox.
I would like to be able to use port forwarding with SSH to enable a secure connection from work to the OpenBSD box and to have the OpenBSD box... (6 Replies)
Discussion started by: auswipe
6 Replies
NetworkManager - network management daemon
NetworkManager [--no-daemon]
The NetworkManager daemon attempts to make networking configuration and operation as painless and automatic as possible by managing the
primary network connection and other network interfaces, like Ethernet, WiFi, and Mobile Broadband devices. NetworkManager will connect
any network device when a connection for that device becomes available, unless that behavior is disabled. Information about networking is
exported via a D-Bus interface to any interested application, providing a rich API with which to inspect and control network settings and
NetworkManager will execute scripts in the /etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d
directory in alphabetical order in response to network events. Each script should be (a) a regular file, (b) owned by root, (c) not
writable by group or other, (d) not set-uid, (e) and executable by the owner. Each script receives two arguments, the first being
the interface name of the device just activated, and second an action.
up The interface has been activated. The environment contains more information about the interface; CONNECTION_UUID contains the UUID
of the connection. Other variables are IP4_ADDRESS_N where N is a number from 0 to (# IPv4 addresses - 1), in the format
"address/prefix gateway". IP4_NUM_ADDRESSES contains the number addresses the script may expect. IP4_NAMESERVERS contains a space-
separated list of the DNS servers, and IP4_DOMAINS contains a space-separated list of the search domains. Routes use the format
IP4_ROUTE_N where N is a number from 0 to (# IPv4 routes - 1), in the format "address/prefix next-hop metric", and IP4_NUM_ROUTES
contains the number of routes to expect. If the connection used DHCP for address configuration, the received DHCP configuration is
passed in the environment using standard DHCP option names, prefixed with "DHCP4_", like "DHCP4_HOST_NAME=foobar".
down The interface has been deactivated.
vpn-up A VPN connection has been activated. The environment contains the connection UUID in the variable CONNECTION_UUID.
A VPN connection has been deactivated.
The system hostname has been updated. Use gethostname(2) to retrieve it.
The following options are supported:
Do not daemonize. This is useful for debugging, and directs log output to the controlling terminal in addition to syslog.
The following environment variables are supported to help debugging. When used in conjunction with the "--no-daemon" option (thus echoing
PPP and DHCP helper output to stdout) these can quickly help pinpoint the source of connection issues.
When set to anything, causes NetworkManager to log all serial communication to and from serial devices like mobile broadband 3G
When set to anything, causes NetworkManager to turn on PPP debugging in pppd, which logs all PPP and PPTP frames and client/server