HPUX certification

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Operating Systems HP-UX HPUX certification
# 1  
Old 10-07-2007
HPUX certification

Hi Experts!

I want to be hp certified first level. I know hp0-091 exam is no longer available. I found three books that claim to cover exam objectives for hp0-095: two from asghar ghori and one from rafeeq rehman. Checked reviews and other info and seems that the 2nd edition from asghar ghori is the best.

Please assist me in making the right decision so I start my preparation.
# 2  
Old 10-14-2007
Rafeeq's book is for HPUX 10.20 and 11i v1.

The new exam deals more with Itanium I believe.

For this reason I'd avoid Rafeeq Rehmen's CSA book.
# 3  
Old 12-13-2007
So the new certification is for 11i v1 or v2
# 4  
Old 12-13-2007
I am always dubious of certification, as I think:
(a) It is used by people to try and show that they know something that they don't have the experience to back up.
(b) It only shows that a person knew it at a point in time (eg. the end of a boot camp).
(c) It is a moneyspinner for the suppliers.
(d) It is a treadmill for the candidate; once you get on you have to stay current.
(e) It shows an inclination to collecting ticks in boxes rather than getting the job done.

I was recently involved in the recruitment of two (well paid) UNIX sys admins, and certification was not a criteria. In fact, we had one cv that was certified to the hilt, and we didn't even interview the candidate.
# 5  
Old 12-13-2007
Originally Posted by prowla
I am always dubious of certification, as I think:
(a) It is used by people to try and show that they know something that they don't have the experience to back up.
(b) It only shows that a person knew it at a point in time (eg. the end of a boot camp).
(c) It is a moneyspinner for the suppliers.
(d) It is a treadmill for the candidate; once you get on you have to stay current.
(e) It shows an inclination to collecting ticks in boxes rather than getting the job done.

I was recently involved in the recruitment of two (well paid) UNIX sys admins, and certification was not a criteria. In fact, we had one cv that was certified to the hilt, and we didn't even interview the candidate.
That is an interesting recruiter's point of view Smilie ...
Prowla, what criteria were used and how did you gauged them ??? Smilie
# 6  
Old 12-13-2007
Originally Posted by andryk
That is an interesting recruiter's point of view Smilie ...
Prowla, what criteria were used and how did you gauged them ??? Smilie
We did some techie test questions and gauged the responses. The questions were not that involved TBH (eg. how do you manually build a kernel in HP-UX), but they were very revealing.
# 7  
Old 12-14-2007
Ok cool! Ill pay attention not to be too 'pretentious' next time ill send my resume ... Smilie
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