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1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known data:
One problem says do the following problem using perl:
A stamp dealer maintains a price list that displays the country, the Scott catalog number, year of issue, description, and price:
2. Relevant commands, code, scripts, algorithms:
This is what I have so far...
3. The attempts at a solution (include all code and scripts):
see above.
4. Complete Name of School (University), City (State), Country, Name of Professor, and Course Number (Link to Course):
University Maryland University College, Adelphi Maryland, CMIS 325A
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I don't really want someone to "solve" this, I just can't get my complier to work.... if you could try to compile this and maybe suggest one... that would be great. If you notice any obvious reason why I can't get this to run (it's grayed out when I attempt to run it) that would be great :P
What do you mean by "get my compiler to work"? Perl scripts usually aren't compiled like C programs. Or do you get a syntax error? Because I can see 3 definite syntax errors in the code you provided (all in the first 3 code lines). That, plus your total price will be way off (hint: if you reverse something, you'll have to reverse it again to be right again), and your output won't look like you'll expect it to look.
I am using the shc shell compiler, it works fine, just that when i execute it, it displays the code at the terminal. Is there any way to hide this as well? otherwise it beats the purpose of hiding the code.
Thanks ! (7 Replies)
can we install gcc compiler in unix based OS(sun solar,IBM AIX,HP,etc) and also
can we install sun cc compiler in AIX environment and vice versa.
and more linux support cc compiler
Ajay (3 Replies)
To make a programming language you need a compiler, so what was the first programming language and how was is created if you need the compiler first?
The compiler itself is considered as a high language comparing to the machine! since the compiler is not created in 1's and 0's...
Eventhough i... (12 Replies)
i need to install g++ compiler in RHEL 5.1 and i downloaded the compiler
from the below mentioned site
g++ - Free Software Directory - Free Software Foundation
its in format gcc-g++-4.0.2.tar.bz2 and i have unziped it......
can any one tell me the procedure to install it dont... (1 Reply)
Hi all,
I am using gcc4.1.1 on redhat4.5 and when i rethrow an exception and I am catching it .. The application aborts and throws the following error message to stdout - the error that's been thrown is been caught but never gets that far as it falls over on throw statement
Has anyone ever... (0 Replies)
We are porting our application from 32bit to 64bit.
We tried -xarch=v9, -xarc=v9a and -xport64=full options so that compiler to issue 64bit porting warnings.
But we are not getting any porting warninings
WE are using CC 5.5 compiler on sparc-solaris m/c.
Please tell us some powerful... (0 Replies)
we are converting from IBM-AIX(xl c/c++ compiler) to Linux(GCC complier).
As a part of this i need to change the CFLAGS.
The xl c/c++ complier CFLAGS is
CFLAGS := $(CDEBUG) $(PROJECT_INCLUDE_DIRS) $(COBJECT_MODE) -qcpluscmt -qmakedep -qcheck=all \
-qalign=bit_packed $(LINT_FLAGS)... (0 Replies)
Quick Question, may be very easy to answer.
I've just got a Sparc 5 for my home with Solaris 2.6 pre installed onto it. When I go to use the Solaris Compiler 'cc' it comes back to me with the message '/usr/ucb/cc: language optional software package not installed'.
Is this something that can be... (2 Replies)